Hi, my name is Chika☺
Let's talk about health and hereditary😇
~Hereditary disease is often described as something that “runs in the family.” It is passed down from one or both parents to a child.


Let me tell you my story 🤗🤗
My toothache journey❗❗
We really do underrate good health which we ought to stop for our own good. I already took out one while I was in secondary school, I started experiencing mini pains in the university but I could still manage it, not until last year, the pain kept on
Increasing, from one to four tooth🤦🤦 it was a terrible experience for me, more like I was dying in silent. I searched on YouTube, tried a lot of stuffs, drugs too, I did want to remove any of my tooth plus I didnt have money, I had too many debit to pay😤😤 when the pain became
too severe that I couldnt mange, I decided to seek for help, help never came, some didnt see/check my message, and some didn't take me serious. This is one of the reasons you have to take your health serious, people have their own lives too, they may not be there for you.
The simple truth is that you alone know the in depth of your pain. One minute I want to take them all off, the next minute I want to keep them, there were lots of things I couldn't do, i couldnt eat, no one seems to understand me, i prayed for a miracle, I wished, I was broken💔
While I was always on YouTube searching for solutions, I read comments and I cried😭😭 the comment were terrifying, I never knew people go through such pain, I eventually went to the dentist just for a check up, paid a thousand naira for the card, I was scared has how my tooth
handled, ohh the dentist was telling me tooth to remove, they were not even the tooth causing the pain 🤦🤦 not even from that side, i said to myself shey I have not enter one chance like this🤣🤣🤣. I got home and I said to myself never will I remove any tooth, I will have to
live with this pain😓😓. I eventually traveled home, then I started complaining, lo and behold almost everyone had similar issue both the extended family but not severe as mine, damn it was heredity😭😭😭. THIS IS IT, KNOW YOUR FAMILY HEREDITY!! if any tho. I could have avoided
alot of sweet stuffs, clean up when ever I eat, avoid thing sticking in my tooth and others. Minor toothaches can come from a temporary gum irritation that you can treat at home. More serious toothaches are caused by dental and mouth problems that won’t get better on their own
and will need to be treated. Just like every other disease, they don't start in a day, they gradually pile up and boom💥💥 they explode, kill, we have people that are asymptomatic, hence INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH, GO FOR CHECK UP!!
oh yes I am now better with the help of supplement
You did be saving yourself the stress of being helpless, your work on hold or even seeking for funds, it breaks my heart when I see people seeking for funds, you should know they are going through a whole lots😓😓

You can be a part of this too😇 https://twitter.com/aproko_doctor/status/1349758687242555392?s=19
This is painful, no one wants this

PLEASE INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH!! https://twitter.com/titobecka/status/1350206187921399808?s=19
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