Your occasional reminder that Governor Cuomo destroyed NYC's restaurant industry for no reason and your NYC City Council members, with very few exceptions, looked the other way.
"He closed restaurants to keep us safe!" FOH. Cuomo didn't want to keep Buffalo safe? He was willing to risk Albany? Somehow Long Island's restaurants aren't an immediate danger to the lives of residents there?
Yes, of course Mayor Bill de Blasio looked the other way too. But he's three quarters asleep on a good day.
I don't care if the next mayor goes to the right bodega. I want him to to really love this city, to fight for New York City, *to call out members of his own party when they try to destroy this city,* it's not that hard.
Mayoral candidates need to be answering questions like "Should indoor dining be open today?" If they answer some stupid "insurance companies should pay businesses..." or "The Federal government should..." you know they're not serious.
Closing indoor dining has had no effect whatsoever on the COVID case rate. In fact, it's easy to argue that cases likely went up as people moved their socializing from restaurants with good air flow to dining room tables in small NYC homes. (Left is NY State, right is NYC)
Amazing people are still trying this “you want people to die” shit. It’s January. It’s not May. No one is falling for this anymore. I’ll argue with anyone, you call me names or say bullshit like that I block and don’t look back.
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