This is the 7th instalment of #deanehistory.

Simon Murray is a magnificent lunatic who told his girlfriend that if she didn’t agree to marry him, he would join the French Foreign Legion. She didn’t, and he did.*

*(she did later.)
Later recorded in one of the most compelling military memoirs of our time (“Legionnaire”), he fought in the Algerian war of independence. His memoirs are- & this is the largest #deanehistory understatement so far- not politically correct.
There are many, many human interest stories in his memoirs; some are of bravery; others lavatorial; others grim as can be. Suffice it to say he found himself amongst some of the toughest sorts on earth & had to muck in accordingly. I'll choose one bigger picture story to share.
In 1961, things were touch & go with De Gaulle. “The Generals”- retired army leaders & a group of old school French colonialists around them- opposed government efforts to negotiate a peace with the anti-colonialists. A coup was very possible.
The Legion’s position was key. The day came. Murray’s comrades seized Algiers. He & his unit drove in some pomp to the airport, cheered on their way by hundreds of flagwaving “pied noirs” (French colonialists in Algeria).
Marines loyal to de Gaulle protected the airport. But not for long. The legionnaires were more numerous &, one dare venture, rather tougher. This is the sharp end of a coup, army unit against army unit. Soon the Legion held the airport too.
Murray & co slept in the hanger overnight, ready for a flight to Paris & the removal of de Gaulle. But the energy of the coup petered out, as the people of France rallied to their President.
The plotters were rounded up; the Legion stood down. Murray & his unit drove back through silent, deserted streets, every window barred, every back turned to them.
The legendary 1st Legion Parachute Regiment was disbanded. The Legion builds their own barracks; overnight, they blew their own up. Those sent to other units marched out singing – truly, life knows better images than art – “Je ne regrette rien.”
Murray did his full five year turn in the Legion. Afterwards, he forged a remarkably successful business career (on the board of many businesses you know), became the oldest man (at 63) to reach the South Pole unsupported, is a CBE & a Chevalier de La Legion d’Honneur.
He now lives in Hong Kong, is 80, and is probably wrestling alligators with an arm tied behind his back as I type.
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