from your local asexual: you matter, you are important, and you are welcome. dont let anyone convince you otherwise. the lgbt community is a place of love, understanding, and growth. please dont surround yourself w those who want to hurt you, we deserve better. asexuality is lgbt
i feel every few months i have to sit down and fight for our space to exist in the lgbt community. excluding someone from the community because they are not lgbt enough for you, thats gatekeeping. the one place where we should feel we belong, and the majority doesn't want us here
arguing that ace/aro people are not lgbt enough for you is the same as arguing someone isn't trans enough because they choose not to transition physically (which is false- their body, their gender preferences, fuck gender norms, etc)
choosing not to transition (ex: not getting surgery) doesn't make you any less trans, the same way that our absence of sexual or romantic attraction doesn't make us any less lgbt
asexuality is a spectrum and it is, by definition, a type of sexual orientation. there is no real reason for us not to belong, there is no right way to be lgbt, and there's no checklist you need to fulfill before you can claim your spot
that's what makes this community so great, we're all different. we have our own experiences, and we use those experiences to help one another grow. we get enough hate day-to-day in the world, let's keep it out of our community too and do our part to make others feel welcome
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