June 19, 1971 --- When a world-famous Bengali doctor hung from a ceiling fan, these leftists still laughed.
The name of the person who committed suicide is Dr. Subhash Mukherjee.
Born on Jan 17,1931 in Hazaribagh.He graduated from Calcutta National Medical College in 1955 with degree in Physiology. He received doctorate in reproductive physiology from the university in 1958 & doctorate in reproductive endocrinology from the University of Edinburgh in 1986
With the help of cryobiologist Suneet Mukherjee and gynecologist Sarojkanti Bhattacharya, Dr.Mukherjee gave birth to Baby Durga alias Kanupriya Agarwal, the first test tube baby in Asia and the second in the world, without any modern laboratory or equipment. October 3, 1986.
Just 7 days after the birth of the world's first test tube baby Luigi Brown.What could be expected? The leftist government of West Bengal, which believes in extremely conflicting materialism, will respectfully accept Dr. Subhash Mukherjee !!
No, not friends. Nothing like that happened. But what happened? He was not only insulted for being a mad doctor, he was put in solitary confinement. For such a groundbreaking discovery, he was invited to speak at numerous international science forums.
The Left government did not allow one of them to appear. All activities of foreign travel are strictly curtailed by arranging criminals in the police register.
November 17, 198. The benevolent and science-minded left government formed an expert committee. Purpose? A "convict" named Dr. Subhash Mukherjee (in Bengali? Yes, the accused is right) should be educated. Who was on the committee?
Take a look at the names of the "scientists", "doctors" and "intellectuals". What were the allegations against this accused? Let's see ---
1) This madman says whether the test tube made the baby. The great country of the proletariat, the almighty Soviet Union, could not, America, Britain, France, Germany could not. And whether this man made it or not. Even if one of our team!
2) Alimuddin, was told to the press without informing the writers? What an adventure! It's a violation of the rules! It cannot be allowed to continue.
3) I understand that the doctor has grown a lot of fins. Why walk so high? What makes you so arrogant? This kind of false scientific party has seen a lot. How many famous and expensive doctors are known to pay homage to the party? Have you seen their lab?
I understand the eyes will be watery! None of them could and he did! Now let us see how you can understand!
Do you know who was at the top of this committee? A radio physicist. The rest? A psychologist, a neurologist, and a physicist. Needless to say, they did not have the slightest knowledge of modern reproductive technology.
The costume name is Dasgupta Committee. The committee consisted of Dr. Mrinalkanti Dasgupta (Radio Physics & Electronic Department, Calcutta University), Prof. D, N Kundu (Director, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics), Dr. J, C, Chattopadhyay and Dr. Kripa Mina(both Gynecologists)
Prof. Ajit Maiti ( Neurophysiologist, Calcutta University) and Professor Achintya Mukherjee (Head Physiology, Presidency College)
Then began the harassment and humiliation! Question after question. Ridiculous, inhuman. As is the case in the party office. Let's listen to one piece sample.
That, Doctor, where do you store the embryos?
Why inside the ampoule!
How to seal ampoules?
Shocked Dr. Mukherjee was able to utter only once - Pardon!
Doesn't that mean the embryos don't die while sealing?
Considering all the evidence, the committee gave a verdict -man is crazy and all he is claiming is bogus!
Just 7 days earlier, the world's first test tube baby, Luigi Brown, was born at Oldham Gen Hospital in England. No one in this science-minded left leadership informed him
Humiliated, humiliated, Dr. Mukherjee committed suicide on June 19, 1981. Stunned, a woman from the other side of Infinity saw the body of her beloved husband trying to touch the ground from a ceiling fan.
Then five years passed. India's second test tube baby was born on August 16, 1966. Name Harshvardhan Reddy. The credit goes to Dr. TC Anandakumar. Not the second, officially Harsh was India's first test tube baby then. A storm of respect and reception swept over.
Anand Kumar is rushing to one conference after another. Our "crazy" doctor was asleep then. He is still waiting from the other side of eternity.
In 1996, Dr. Anand Kumar came to Calcutta to attend a similar science conference. The "crazy" doctor's wife and fellow scientists handed over all the papers to TC Anandkumar. The "crazy" papers, the research knowledge he recorded - all.
Anandakumar was a really big man. Wise Science-minded but not left. Read everything and understood. He immediately sent a note to the then 'Prime Minister in waiting' asking for time to meet. Got time.
Dr. Anand Kumar requested the Leader of the Opposition, the Prime Minister in waiting, to use personal influence to inform Parliament and the Indian Medical Association.
Otherwise, the left MPs will block it. The Leader of the Opposition cooperated in every possible way. Then Dr. Anand Kumar bowed before the scientists of the world and declared that he is not, Dr. Subhash Mukherjee is the claimant of this achievement.
Durga alias Kanupriya Agarwal appeared in front of the media on her 25th birthday. He knew Bengali, he knew India, he knew the world. Creation spoke of its creator. Then where is its creator.
So the leftists of this particular species smile when they shout "science", "science". Many of those comrades are still alive, and one smiles. Who's to say?
And the name of the Leader of the Opposition and Prime Minister In Waiting is somewhat familiar --- Atal Bihari Vajpayee
& the creation KANUPRIYA "DURGA" AGARWAL..who happend to be the first test tube baby of india,second in the world
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