I'm a little uneasy with the fact that elite athletes are putting their own health at risk to play sports for our own entertainment. But i do realise how much it helps peoples mental health by giving them joy from watching their players/teams play.
So seeing as they are doing it for us, the fans, don't hate on the players it's really unfair. They are sacrificing an awful lot to be there. And yes they are in a very privileged position by being allowed to fly from one end of the globe to the other while thousands...
of other people can't even travel home to be with their loved ones. But again don't hate the players for this as it's not their fault they are allowed to fly. On the contrary in fact, they have been cleared for entry by that country and the people in charge of said country
So maybe direct your issues towards them instead.
I understand its hard for people who have lost jobs and livlihoods having to watch others carry on with their careers...again not their fault. Everyone so quick to blame/ judge the wrong people.
Ok rant over, thanks 😁
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