▪️Amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium can make birth control pills less effective.
▪️Chloramphenicol is a controlled drug because it can cause bone marrow suppression.
▪️Sodium valproate which is an anti epileptic agent can cause birth defect and problems in...👇🏿

... early development of the child if taken during pregnancy.
▪️If you are diabetic sodium valproate may affect the results of your urine test.
▪️Folic acid can lower the general risk of spina bifida and early miscarriage that exists with all pregnancies.
▪️Breastfeeding mothers shouldn’t use aspirin, this because it can increase the infants risk of Reye’s syndrome which is a rare but serious condition that causes swelling and inflammation in the brain and liver.
▪️Nursing mothers should not use codeine except it is prescribed by your doctor as it can lead to withdrawal symptoms in the baby or even opioid overdose in infants which is very serious.
▪️Tell your doctor at once if you become pregnant or think you might be pregnant While using sodium valproate example of a brand of the drug is Epilim.
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