First, the crypto ecosystem has survived Silk Road, Mt Gox, the DAO hack, the Bitcoin civil war, the Chinese crypto crackdown of 2017, and countless BTC obituaries.

From 2017:
Second, the tech is real. Look at , , Zcash, , , NFTs, Uniswap, rollups, and all the new L1 chains just to start. There is genuine computer science here.
Third, the demand for decentralized and private systems has never been higher. It's apparent today just from the tens of millions of Signal signups alone. As usable crypto replacements for corporate tools become available, they too will be adopted.
Fourth, I understand but disagree with the author’s premise that regulation would make the system internationally trustworthy. Cryptographic proof-of-reserve is a far better approach.
Finally, it’s totally possible that there’s a price hit if USDT fails. But other stablecoins exist, and we've seen at least four 80-90% crypto drawdowns. Long term crypto people are in it for the long term, to advance freedom, privacy, and decentralization. That doesn’t change.
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