What sins can you afford at the level you are now?



I have a wealthy neighbor whose house stands taller than other houses in the neighborhood. Of course, his bedroom will be at the top
most top with a balcony. He has an habit of standing in his balcony to view the vicinity (big man things right?😀).

On a particular day I got up from my bed in the morning and went straight to the window on my left to shut it,
just in case rain falls.

I pulled up the curtain and my neighbours attention got drawn to my side. He was standing in his balcony as usual. He quickly looked away and I quickly locked the window and dropped the curtain.
"There is actually no privacy anywhere" I thought to myself.

I remembered that incident today as o go through 2 Samuel 11. This was the exact scenario with David when he committed adultery with Bathsheba.
"One evening he got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of his house.

From there he saw a woman bathing. She was very beautiful, so David sent for his officers and asked them who she was. An officer answered,
“That is Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam.

She is the wife of Uriah the Hittite.”

2 Samuel 11:2-3 ERV

You know, I once heard a preacher said, "those of you who think you are humble and saints now, just wait till you
are richly blessed or in an enviable position, or with an 'elevated' view like David.

Wait till you are a big boss and you have beautiful and handsome employees at your beck and call.
Wait until you get promoted to travel for trainings and lodge in best hotels with spicy chicks at your disposal"

Wait until you have access to some corporate funds you can touch without any trace.
Wait until you can afford some petty or grievious atrocities without anyone knowing about it.. .

Wait until you can afford some sins thinking God isn't looking....

When David was in his lowly position with the sheep, he had no time to flex.
When he was running for his life from Saul, he didn't forcefully take any of his officers wives.

But when he got promoted to the palace, and had an 'elevated' view, then he could give the order,

'go and bring that woman to my bed"
Hmmn, affordable sins.

Apostle Paul said,

"..Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh."

Galatians 5:16 NKJV


Pls be reminded that the Bible Study series


starts on monday evening.
Please pray along #christiantwitter that the name of the Lord alone shall be glorified and that our lives shall be transformed throughout the teachings in Jesus Name, Amen.

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Be inspired,


Enjoy your weekend
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