Making a list of TiMs stealing medals/positions/jobs from women. 🧵

No. 1: Emilie Decaudin. Stole a position from a WOC, Corinne Haynes-Wood, a Queens native. When faced with concerns that women are losing representatives, this was his response: 1/
No. 2: Laurel Hubbard. After living as a privileged son of the ex-mayor of Auckland/factory owner, he decided to compete with women. Stole a golden medal from young sexual abuse survivor & indigenous woman, Feagaiga Stowers. 2/
No. 3: After being an average runner in male category, Cece Telfer identifies as a woman and miraculously becomes no. 1. 3/
No. 4: Mx. Ivy. After a mediocre career as a male cyclist, Dr. McKinnon identifies as a woman and becomes the first transgender world winner in any sport. 4/
No. 5: Clara Barker. I don't have evidence that he stole a position from a woman, but the thing is: women are underrepresented in STEM. In case of equal qualifications, a woman would be given advantage for, say, a PhD position. In normal circumstances. 5/
No. 7: Mridul Wadhwa. Secured a job position in a rape crisis center despite being a male without a GRC certificate. Lying by omission about his trans status. 7/
There are, sadly, many more. But these are only the cases that I remember right now. Please, feel free to add.
No. 8: Munroe Bergdorf. How could I ever forget Mx. Bergdorf? Must be a coping mechanism. Mx. Bergdorf spoke over women multiple times & was chosen by UN Women UK as "an advocate... aiming to put a stop to female genital mutilation (FGM)". 🤦‍♀️
Addendum for Bergdorf: this is the person that was elected to represent women. Entitled, narcissistic, violent, homophobic, misogynistic.
Also: the tiny fact that he's not a woman.
No. 10: It's UN again. Wokeing so hard they ended up in undiluted Aristotelian women-hating.
No. 11: the Sussex-based support service for survivors of sexual violence and abuse was recruiting a Children's Independent Sexual Violence Advisor to work with survivors of sexual abuse aged 13 and under. Catch 22? This:
p.s. 95% of pedophiles are male.
No. 14: back to the UK. Women are losing their political representatives. Kathryn Bristow is elected as a co-chairperson for Women Green Party.
p.s. Kathryn also likes to over-share personal details in public. Imagine Frau Merkel disclosing intimate details of her personal life?
No. 15: father of 4, ex-major of the Serbian Army, Helen Vukovic, is representing lesbians in several Serbian NGOs.
Typical AGP, down to the fact that he was an army officer. The token "transbian" of the regime.
Received the title of the 'Gay Icon of 2016'.
No. 16: Philip Bounce, the shape-shifting banker. Awarded a place on a list of the Top 100 Women in Business.
No. 17: instead of fighting for abolition of prostitution & an end of sex trafficking that is rampant in Romania, this TiM is doing the opposite. This is a good example why, despite sharing the same plight - patriarchy - our goals & needs are not the same. Young Roma gay men +
+ are victimized in patriarchy twofold: 1) by their families 2) by the system that discriminates against them. Many end up as trans prostitutes. But decriminalization is not the way out & is helping no one (except the sex work lobby & pimps).
No. 20: Charlotte Clymer. Who is Charlie representing? It certainly aren't women. But he is taking place of a woman that might represent other women.
p.s. That fake smile is unnerving.
Also, Charlie finding yet another way to get hate-boners AND get woke points for it:
No. 21: "Lily Madigan is Labour's first trans women's officer...
"I come from an under-represented section of womanhood," Lily tells Newsbeat."
Yep, because there is exactly 0 male representation in womahood.
They are deliberately trolling us. +
And of course, of course, he's a con artist through and through.
No. 23: the Scottish government considering to allow TiMs to examine rape survivors, which are mostly women. Thankfully, the majority voted against it. Thank you, Johann Lamont, for fighting for the lives & dignity of the rape survivors.
No. 24: Selina Soule, the Connecticut junior athlete champion, tells her story. Training to become the top athlete in your category is hard. So why are mediocre TiMs allowed to compete in category that isn't theirs & ruin girls' sports? Listen to Selina.
No. 25: TiM obgyns not understanding the meaning of informed consent. A man who is more concerned about his validation than about the dignity and safety of his patients should not be working as an obgyn. Or in any medical field, for that matter.
No. 26: women's prizes wasted on a violent, murderous man.
No. 27:
No. 28: currently suing AFL for basically not letting him shower with the girls. Why are these men allowed to waste everyone's time and resources, harass female players, and take away positions in teams from them?
No. 29: what's with males in AFL, ffs?
No. 30: this is just a systemic failure of professional organizations to provide clear and fair guidelines.
No. 31: the Labour Party is at it again.
No. 32:
No. 33:
No. 34: attention, everyone. Excluding males from female sports is not, I repeat, IS NOT, an act of genocide.
Men not understanding the difference between a right and a privilege, case #125069784069383742101
No. 36: notice how most trans people in politics are TiMs. TiFs are few. It's almost like the system, made by men to serve men, knows the difference between the sexes?
No. 38: not exactly a job/position, but a function/activity only WOMEN can have. If men breastfeed & need abortions too, if there are no mothers as a legal category, then it is no longer a sex issue and we lose legal protections from sexist discrimination.
Addendum: breastfeeding, abortion, reproductive rights must be protected as female-only, biological women-only issue. Activites and functions only biologically female adult humans can perform. Fullstop.
Addendum for no. 26: Lauren Jeska, a violent, mentally unstable criminal, is jailed in women's prison. His crime is added to women's crime statistics. Are you mad yet?
No. 40: by protecting TiM identities, a TiM judge Victoria McCloud also made it easier for sex offenders to change their names and disappear from police radar. Victoria is being praised as one of 100 Women of the Year according to The Sunday Times.
Please, sign this petition.
No. 41: instead of giving this job to a qualified, capable woman... JFC, Murica.
No. 43: in India. Because patriarchy is global.
No. 45: #BidenErasedWomen
No. 47:
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