Q Anon is essentially the end of the American conspiracy folk tale tradition. Alex Jones didn't oppose because he wanted to maintain a monoply but because Q's demonic lies represent the end of American suspcious & its unique tradition of story telling from it.
Storytelling does not mean fabricating. Storytelling is how a society provides content &, more important, the context for the content. All propoganda war is competing Storytellers, archtypical of magicians, whether priests or demoniacs or shaman, hurling curses & blessings.
The dates of Q's appearance & how it has played out- even going back to read/listen to the posts/casts from Q aligned sources- makes it seem suspciously like a malicious way of framing the narrative. 🍕g@t3 could never happen again.
Thus it is my conviction that Q is a framing device by the evil storytellers of NWO. It is a false messiah, with many prototypes that appeared on Pol (highclearanceAnon, FBIanon, /HTG/ etc.) 🍕g@t3 & the nature of who rules us was revealed; Q is how they chose to frame.
Trump, whether gullibly or cyncially, saw the Q folklore as an asset- as it was at first, giving fanatical support & Trump a protagonist role that boomers loved. Whether Trump ever believed in Q or not is moot. I hope for his soul he honestly was just gullible.
Look at the timeline of the Q movement and what has actually *happened*, not what Q promised but what has actually *happened*, in light of post-🍕g@t3 internet. Its *very* suspcious.
Reminder that Joe M., the "sToRm iS UpOn uS" guy, in his magnum opus Q explaining video outright says Q is an NSA operations but manages to convince boomers that that's a good thing because Trump actually managed to take control of the NSA fully in his admin from the Deepstate.🙄
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