16 January 2021 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

The Man Who Met Himself

First, I have to again thank @BernadetteMay for the delightful and foretelling new banner photo I stole from her. It is truly profound and hopefully prophetic.
2) To date, Trump has done non-concession concessions. As opposed to "transfer of power" he has used the words "transition to a new administration." He has to my knowledge never used the term "concession," itself, and there has been no concession call to Joe Biden.
3) I suspect that Trump has known about Pence's perfidy and cowardice, his betrayal of his allegiance for a long time. But I also suspect that up until the very moment that Pence certified false electors, Trump still hoped he'd do the right thing.
4) I have to keep reminding myself that I knew of Pence's disloyalty and self-service all the way back when in either February or March of 2017, he so happily misrepresented General Flynn to the entire world on the Chris Wallace show not once, but twice. I knew.
5) I admit I did not hew to my judgment. What I should have recalled but forgot was the obvious synchronization with Chris. Chris asks the pregnant question. Mike pauses as if to ponder in pregnant silence. Mike throws General Mike under the bus. That was planned. I forgot that.
6) All I can say, Chris, is that I fully support President Trump's decision to fire Mike Flynn.

That was a planned statement from the get go. Practiced in its flawless delivery. Pence is nothing if he isn't a pro. Here's what it led me to believe back then.
7) It led me to believe that Pence was in on the plot to take out Trump. Remember, first we (expletive deleted) "get" Flynn, then we "get" Trump. Sally Yates coming and whispering sweet evils in Trump's ear about the Logan Act and Flynn's vulnerability to blackmail.
8) I instantly believed that Pence was the friend of my enemy, and therefore my enemy. I knew he was the enemy of my friend, and therefore my enemy. Flynn was innocent. Pence was a traitor. It was Pence who purposefully removed Flynn from office. It was Pence.
9) Many of you know this, but I have to say it again. @tamaraleighllc (account temporarily restricted, see screenshot), @KateScopelliti, @JoshuaMacias, and I created a movement called #ClearFlynnNow. We eventually grew into the #PardonFlynnNow movement.
10) It was Tamara who coined the now historic phrase #PardonOfInnocence. That exact phrase is locked in history by being quoted in the first and only pardon of its kind, signed by President Trump. His account is permanently suspended here too, as you know.
11) Few have fully followed my own analysis on point yet. The pardon was more than just deserved, or needful in light of a corrupted court process. It was Constitutionally necessary. That is to say it addressed a weakness in our Constitution. Ponder that with me.
12) If you just look at the logic, why would a pardon be exclusively for guilty people? What this leaves wide open is the possibility of a corrupt judge adjudicated a corrupt prosecution and no legal means of safeguarding the innocent. Our legal system was fully aware of this.
13) This corruption has metastasized through our entire prosecutorial and judicial branch of government, suffering NO check upon its unhindered power. This is precisely the opposite of what our founders intended. There was NO check on a corrupt judicial system. Contemplate that.
14) It is this precise hole that Pence sees as his own personal source of safety and protection. He need not fear legal retribution for his treasonous betrayal of his sacred obligation to ensure a true election, and NOT certify false electors. He has no fear of this at all.
15) Can you imagine the soft titters of polite laughter as General Flynn's case progressed from one illegal decision to the next? Pence's great enemy was discomfited. What joy he must have felt.
16) The very fact of a #PardonOfInnocence is the precise corrective to our Constitutional hole. And done as a Presidential Pardon, which enjoys the rights of an Executive Order, the redress is healing of our Constitutional wound.
17) I was constantly attacked that no, General Flynn needed no pardon as he never did anything wrong. What he needed and deserved, I was perpetually told, was Exoneration. Not one time did anyone ever answer my question about the method of procuring said Exoneration.
18) Rather, there was always stunning silence. I understand this. We have a myth, in America, of honest judges judging honestly. The myth is false. Our judges are worse criminals than any they adjudicate. They pervert the law at every turn. They enjoy their mythical standing.
19) Please consider spending some time at the website that Tamara created, posting all of my analysis on topic, here: http://PardonFlynnNow.com 
20) To get the full flavor, you have to go back to 2016, and recall that General Flynn, Chris Christie, and Mike Pence were the 3 finalists under consideration for the VP nod. There was no way for Trump to contemplate Pence's January 6 betrayal when making that fated choice.
21) I don't believe even the brilliant Trump could imagine, back then, the complete corruption of an entire system whereby a landslide victory might be utterly stolen. At least, not in 2016. By 2018, however, I think Trump knew. He knew that the House was stolen.
22) Who knows, truly knows the history of Dominion voting machines? I rather suspect that even Trump did not realize the HOW of the steal back in 2018, or HOW Dominion voting machines and Hammar and Scorecard played their evil parts.
23) I was still watching FOX when they started scorning, laughing at the tie that Sidney Powell (account now suspended permanently as you know) made going back to Hugo Chavez. That's only 20 years ago. But they howled their scorn over the very idea. I raged at their scorn.
24) Perhaps Sidney, Lin Wood, and Patrick Byrne all know the true history. What we need, however, is both a technician and a well-written historian to give us the story in all its power. If America is ever going to come to terms with itself, it is this story we require, in full.
25) I have to give honor to another friend, now. Her account, here, is @LindaLouLarson. She gave us 7 points which bear repeating right now, below...
26) Linda's 7 points:

1) DC in total lock down,
2) cell towers out,
3) bridges and roads blocked,
4) more troops from Hawaii, Wisconsin and Puerto Rico,
5) replacing key people in key agencies,
6) replacing director of CIA,
7) signed IA
27) My own research can only go so far, my friends. I am NOT able to stand behind all 7 of Linda's points. But point by point specifics are less important to me than the entirety of the list itself, in its import.
28) In a moment, we have to discuss the idea of faith. My faith has been weakened of late, and my incredible gal @KateScopelliti has had no patience with me over this. Her faith in President Trump is flawless and complete. She simply states, all will be well. She believes.
29) Before I dive into faith, I need to talk about broken threads here at Twitter, again. My thread yesterday was the most egregious breaking yet. Twitter lied, saying I deleted #10, when I had not. In fact, I'm going to see if I can't go snag it again, now...
30) Whew! With a little work, and some Jon Stancik guided search methods (Jon's account is permanently suspended), I found yesterday's #10, here: https://twitter.com/ThyConsigliori/status/1350006153544146947?s=20
31) I just double checked, and it appears that the link above gets you the entire thread from yesterday. I say again, I did NOT delete that #10 Tweet, and Twitter's evil practices are yet again on display. If you weren't afraid, why would you break threads?
32) Finishing up on thread breaking, what has now been 100% established is that Twitter is NOT an open forum. It is an editor, and therefore deserves NO Section 230 protection. The 1st amendment MUST apply to all social media platforms. We know that now.
34) Who remembers how Trump killed the WTO? I analyzed it back then, and think I was the first to do so. It was in December 2020. He destroyed its appellate court by NOT nominating new judges. Imagine that. The appellate court was the real power of the WTO.
35) To understand - I'm sorry, I know we're bopping about - you need to get the term "Most Favored Nation Trading Status." I was on a show in Italy, recently, and my interpreter struggled with this concept as we discussed it. Then, she came up with the perfect term: reflexive.
36) That status, most favored nation, automatically grants its holder with every single benefit established by any nations under WTO supervision. So when the USA grants Canada and Mexico specific benefits, China automatically get the same benefits. This holds true the world over.
37) Most Favored Nation Trading Status granted China all these benefits, from every single trade agreement entered into, bilatorily, multilaterally, no matter. Every benefit automatically assured. Who did this? Bill Clinton and George W. Both of them.
38) Thing is, the ONLY way to enforce all those global benefits was through the WTO's appellate court. When Trump killed it, he killed the entire power of China over all global trade agreements. This was the greatest economic threat China had ever faced.
39) With EO 13959, Trump has upped the ante. By disallowing any American entity to invest in specific firms that aid the Chinese Military-Industrial Complex, Trump has thrown a death blow at two things. China's global economic might. And its vaunted Military, the PLA.
41) Here's the key quote from that article:

"The move comes as U.S. investors scramble to exit stocks subject to the sanctions, which ban Americans from owning companies deemed to have links with China’s military."
43) "According to Infowars, an investigation that looked into the Dominion Voting System discovered SEC filings which revealed two instances where its parent company...
44) "...Staple Street Capital, received hundreds of millions from UBS Securities - which is a Swiss bank that co-owns UBS Securities Co. Ltd. with the Chinese government."
45) So no, we're NOT fighting a kinetic war with China yet, and thank goodness for that. Trump is, however, absolutely fighting an economic war with them right now, and he's kicking their ass yet again, all over the block.
46) Moscow, as the head of Soviet Communism, failed to learn what China did. They did NOT steal their economic wealth from America. Had they, they'd like have defeated us in the Cold War, or as I call it, World War III. The Democrat Party leadership didn't yet have that vision.
47) I don't know. Perhaps it was Kissinger. Certainly, Carter played his part, large. Reagan didn't, far as I know. But Bush 41 truly led the way to a new China/America economy. And the Bush family has reaped the rewards from then till now.
48) It just has to be repeated again and again. Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama sold out America to China. They sold our factories and our jobs to them. They employed our tax structure and NO tariffs to China's behest, not to mention all the benefits of our global trade deals.
49) And now we have, for the first time since 1989, EO 13959. We need fear China's military no more, now. Communism cannot create capital. It destroys it. Its only economic hope is to loot the free market world of capitalism. It has no other way forward.
50) Can you say Hunter Biden? Can you say Big Tech suppression? Can you say Joe Biden is China's greatest asset since Mao Tse Tung himself? What would it mean for China to own the American President? And for only a mere $400 million? Pennies. A literal bargain basement steal.
51) There are two obvious choices for the 2020 - 2024 Trump administration's VP. Pompeo or Flynn. I'd recommend Flynn, but I'm prejudiced. Pompeo would be AWESOME! Offer Pence clemency, guilty with his hands in the corruption cookie jar, he'll gladly resign.
52) And that is Trump shaking hands with Trump. That is the moment Trump meets himself, fully ensconced in his 2nd term. And with a completely new administration.
53) Time for a coffee break. I'll be back in a bit, gang. Keep the faith in the meantime!
54) Wow! Not only did I enjoy some coffee, I was able to knock off about 2 hours of good sound sleep, too. My soul struggles with sleep when I fear for our nation and our leader. Part of the driver behind my analysis is to get to the truth, and grant that to my soul. I need it.
55) And hey, I have noticed that another of Twitter's thread breaking tricks is when I do take a longer than usual break, so if you're seeing this, do know that there really are 54 Tweets before in this thread.

Now, let's pick up again at 13959.
56) @KateScopelliti never had a call to make. She just judges the person and goes from there. She's knows precisely who Trump is and never doubts her judgment for a moment. I won't brag about how I won her heart. I will tell you it happened in 1980. Ha! She judged me.
57) Perhaps unfortunately for me, one of the most critical components of all my analysis is the Dialectical Method. Ha again, I even had to look it up just now as I am so paranoid about saying stuff wrong. If you do, DISCOUNT Hegel. Oh my, how they have given it to him. Terrible.
58) Why have they done that? Hegel was Marx's teacher. The Dialectical Method dates back to ancient Greece. They were NOT communists. Hegel created a theory of history based on the Dialectic that Marx ran with. So that's why Google gives the Dialectic to Hegel. No kidding.
59) The Dialectic, in its simplicity, is just throw the opposite of what you think up against it and see what happens. Start with a theory - or just a guess, an idea, etc. - and look for its absolute opposite. Thesis and Anti-thesis. I know, antithesis. I like it better my way.
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