Y'know one thing I just don't understand?

Being super concern about putting other people in strict, rigid labels/boxes.

That seems to be frequent throughout the gay community, too. (For the record, I'm gay myself.)
Having traits that are common among gay people isn't inherently bad, but at the same time, it sucks that many (not all) gay people treat said traits as "requirements".

Like, you're supposedly not a "real gay" if you don't have certain mannerisms, interest in certain media, etc.
Why is this even a thing in a community that's already subject to lots of hate and judgement for existing, anyway? I don't get it.

You're still 100% valid as a gay person, whether you posses any stereotypical traits/mannerisms/interests or not.
Oh, & another thing:

Just because a guy is feminine doesn't mean they're gay. Feminine straight guys exist and are 100% valid.

Likewise, just because a guy is masculine doesn't mean they're straight. Masculine straight guys exist and are also 100% valid.
You don't need to adhere to stereotypes or arbritrary societal norms if you don't want to.

You're still 100% valid either way.
This goes for your race, too.

You shouldn't have to do certain things to be considered a "true [insert your race here]".
You're still valid as an African-American even if AAVE eludes you to any degree. (For the record, I'm AA.)

You shouldn't be shamed or invalidated as a Mexican person even if you don't speak Spanish.

You're still valid as a Scottish person even if you dislike drinking.
No one should expect you to enjoy math or be a math wizard just because you're Asian. Positive stereotypes are still harmful, y'know.

If you're any given race & you lack an accent commonly associated with said race, there's nothing wrong with that at all.
Don't ever allow anyone to tell you that you're "not" something just because you don't fit into stereotypes, popular conventions, or arbritrary "requirements" or whatever.
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