Thread of mainly Spanish gypsy artists because im bored (no particular order)
Lole y Manuel
“Spanish Romani musical duo which composed and performed innovative flamenco music. This couple was the first exponent of flamenco music aimed at a non-exclusively flamenco audience.”
Las Chuches
“Ketama is a Spanish musical group in the new flamenco tradition. Fusing flamenco with other musical forms, they created a style that lies somewhere between flamenco and pop salsa.”
Ray Heredia (he was part of Ketama)
“One of the most charismatic of the “young flamencos”. He combined Flamenco and Gypsy rumba with Caribbean salsa and jazz. He died prematurely in Madrid the 14th of July of 1991 at the age of 27 a month after his first solo album released.”
Diego El Cigala
“Diego Ramón Jiménez Salazar, known as El Cigala, is a famous Romani Flamenco Gypsy singer. As he himself has said, the nickname was given to him by three guitar players, Los Losada, for his powerful voice, not by Camarón de la Isla as commonly believed.”
Las Grecas
“Las Grecas was a Spanish musical duo of Flamenco - rock formed in 1973 by two Romani sisters, Carmela Muñoz Barrull, and Edelina Muñoz Barrull, better known as Tina. They had a huge initial success with the theme "Te estoy amando locamente" which sold 500,000 copies.”
Camarón De La Isla
“Spanish Romani considered one of the all-time greatest flamenco singers, he was noted for his collaborations with Paco de Lucía and Tomatito. The three of them were of major importance to the revival of flamenco in the second half of the 20th century.”
Carmen Amaya
“Carmen Amaya was a Spanish flamenco dancer and singer, born in the Somorrostro district of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. She has been called "the greatest Flamenco dancer ever and "the most extraordinary personality of all time in flamenco dance."
“A Spanish singer and guitarist. In 1978, with producer José Luis de Carlos, he recorded his first solo album, Poco ruido y mucho duende, in a very personal style with flamenco nuances. The theme Verde, adapted from a poem by Lorca, was a great success.”
“Jonathan Vera Granja, known professionally as Canelita is a Spanish flamenco singer. He hails from the barrio of La Bajadilla, in Algeciras, in the south of Spain.”
Pata Negra
“Spanish flamenco-blues band. Their style of derivative rhythms based on flamenco nuevo and blues, which they titled "blueslería", made an impact on other modern flamenco music bands.”
Los Chichos
“Los Chichos is a Spanish band that was formed in the mid-1970s by singer-songwriter Juan Antonio Jiménez and brothers Julio and Emilio González. The band reached its peak popularity in the 1980s and restructured in 1990 when Jiménez began his solo career.”
“Vicente de Castro Giménez, known as Parrita, was a Spanish Romani flamenco singer-songwriter, composer and guitarist, master of the rumba and flamenco ballad.”
Los Chunguitos
“Spanish Romani rumba flamenca group from Badajoz, Extremadura, formed in Vallecas, Madrid in 1973. The group's nucleus was the three brothers Juan, Manuel, and Jose Salazar, whose uncle was the flamenco singer Porrina de Badajoz.”
Porrina de Badajoz (their uncle)
“José Salazar Molina, known as Porrina de Badajoz was a Spanish flamenco singer of gypsy origin.”
Los Calis
“In their lyrics, the Calis were influenced the social situation endured by the gypsy community in the neighborhoods of large Spanish cities during the late 70s and the 80s. High rates of crime and jail, drugs or insecurity were some of their themes, as well as love.”
Los Amaya
“Spanish musical duo formed by the gypsy brothers José and Delfín Amaya at the end of the 1960s in Barcelona and still active, one of the main exponents of the so-called Catalan rumba in the field of flamenco.”
Gipsy Kings
“Gipsy Kings are a group of flamenco, salsa, and pop musicians from Arles and Montpellier in the south of France, who perform in a mixture of languages, mostly in Spanish, but also mixing southern French dialects.”
Los Yakis
Moncho Chavea
José El Francés
Dioni Martín
“Dionisio "Dioni" Martín Lobato (October 31, 1970) is a singer, who achieved fame after being one of the members of the group Camela.”
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