I have a stinking cold but I am going to try to tweet along with #DiverseEd below this tweet (luckily it's virtual!)
Realised I had the stream paused and hadn't realised we'd started! 😱 Listening along now though #DiverseEd
Currently hearing from @Dylan1764 about how PE lessons are often not inclusive of trans students due to stereotypes and gender-split classes which exclude trans and especially non-binary students. This can put trans people off sport.
Every student should be able to access an inclusive space for PE/sport regardless of whether or not they are out. Normalise staff and students sharing pronouns. Include trans athletes as positive role models in lessons. Use mixed gender activities. @Dylan1764 #DiverseEd
28% of autistic individuals are asked to leave a public space, 79% of autistic individuals feel isolated and more troubling stats from @queensan62 (sorry I could catch them all). We need a person-centred approach #DiverseEd
Find children's communication preferences, consider the accessibility of the physical environment (avoiding sensory overload) + plan structure into the day using a visual timetable recommends @queensan62 This can help individuals become more independent + feel accepted #DiverseEd
We have to accept everyone is different and have a better understanding of autism. Not good enough when autistic people including children are asked to leave and parents are told to "control their child" says @queensan62 #DiverseEd
>20% of the teaching workforce have a disability but only 1-2% declare it says @Ethical_Leader We associate the wheelchair w disability but actually only 8% of teachers are wheelchair users - many other disabled teachers who are not + important to consider them too #DiverseEd
Oops, my thread's gone a bit wonky, sorry!

Giving children the support to write their own narratives allows them to create original and hybrid texts to share their voices says @TomDobson13 of @StorymakersCo #DiverseEd
Many general pri. teachers don't feel confident delivering practical lessons e.g. PE. Funding can help schools bring in specialised PE Ts who can confidently teach physical literacy, let chn realise how fun PE is + prepare them for sec. PE says Anita Fiddes Kapadia #DiverseEd
Primary schools PE can often be chn's first experience of gendered activities, being told they can't do things e.g. girls not being allowed on the football team says @dylan1764 #DiverseEd
Chn who are disruptive may have needs - don't just "get them out", speak to SENCo, don't assume they are "just disruptive" and remove them. That is not inclusive or allowing chn access to education says @queensan62 #DiverseEd
How do we engage staff? @yasmomar suggests sharing first-hand stories either from colleagues/school community or stories shared in the news and online. Use Equality Act 2010 to help people understand their/others' rights. #DiverseEd
"I didn't see any teachers with any conditions - I don't think because there weren't any but I think because they didn't feel able to share" says @Yasmomar (quoted to best of my ability, may not be exact) #DiverseEd
GRT representation in children's books just isn't there - chn @StorymakersCo have worked with automatically created western charas w western names bc they had never seen themselves in books. GRT rep where it does exist is v. polarised/stereotypical says @tomdobson13 #DivserseEd
Key takeaways from session from each speaker:
"Your actions will bring about the changes you want to see" - Anita Fiddes Kapadia
"Everyone is to be made to feel included and equal by all" - @queensan62
"Every student needs a safe space and place where they can flourish" - @dylan1764
"There is something for everyone to learn about disabilities and in particular invisible conditions" - @Yasmomar
"the more I know the less I know" - @TomDobson13
"Ask children where they are and draw on their funds of knowledge" - @benniekara
"Make it child-centred. Commit to creating a sense of belonging for every child." - @Ethical_Leader

Time for a break.
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