We #doctors are taught to believe that the solution to the so-called #obesity epidemic is to tell our patients to lose weight. I think that's the WORSE thing we can do. Telling patients to lose weight usually has the complete opposite effect longterm. Wanna know why?
There are a number of factors responsible for weight gain. Diet and exercise (obviously). Stress. Genetics. Hormones. Age. Medical conditions. Certain medications. Level of education. Income. There's a wealth of evidence that demonstrates weight gain is not just about lifestyle
But in most cases most of these factors cannot be avoided. We have no control over our patients genetics, whether they have had children, are going through the menopause, or have certain medical conditions. All we can do is try to help them with their modifiable risk factors.
There us no question that we need to encourage ALL our patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle by improving their diet, getting more exercise, and reducing their stress levels. This applies no matter what they weight. But telling people to lose weight is NOT the same thing.
Trying to lose weight is NOT the same as trying to be healthy. Trying to lose weight inevitably leads to dieting (proven not to work) an unhealthy relationship with exercise (it should be fun) and increased stress levels. Telling people to lose weight has the OPPOSITE EFFECT.
It also leads to a breakdown in the relationship between fat people and their doctors. They fear us & think we are judging them. In many cases we ARE. Don't deny it, check the evidence. Patients say "the dr will just blame it on my weight" so they postpone accessing medical care.
It's time to face facts. We are part of the problem. A big part, if you ask me. It's time to start asking ourselves how we can stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution.

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