If it really is true that morality is cowardice, then it would suggest that people do good not because of virtue but because they are afraid.

Afraid of the ramifications of doing bad.
If someone does something bad, engaging in malevolent creativity,

they also declare that they are willing to go beyond the rules that confine them.

And that shows courage; the ability to do something that others wouldn't out of fear.
A black and white assessment would conclude that;

bad people are malevolent, courageous and disobedient.

And that good people are benevolent, cowardly and obedient.

Both fall short of what we ideally want to become.
A bad person is prepared to be courageous (a virtue),

willing to become disobedient & engage in malevolence for his own selfish pursuits.

Just because he is evil, does not mean he is incapable of being courageous.

We conveniently rob words from those we disqualify.
We interpret the meaning of words as we see fit, but this is simply wrong.

Disobedience is NOT good. It is chaos and chaos is never a good thing.

But its necessary.

Good people must know when to become disobedient (evil). Because without it, authoritarian order is inevitable.
This mode of thinking can lead to the realisation that a lot of evil things are necessary; disobedience, violence, manipulation, war.

Because if this is the tool used to bring on malevolence,

it will be the tool used to bring about benevolence.

Good cannot exist without evil.
'Recognition of the reality of evil necessarily relativizes the good, and the evil likewise,

converting both into halves of a paradoxical whole'

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