I saw this meme a few days ago and I want to talk to anyone of this mindset. If you want to go back to "Life before QAnon" or to be bluepilled, you can be. All you have to do is accept that everything QAnon has told you is a lie.
The important part here is everything. QAnon is just the latest re-telling of the same story that began with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The idea that a small group of people secretly run the world from the shadows and do so out of a willful desire to be evil isn't new.
I've seen so many QAnon promoters say "If we're wrong about Trump then we're screwed." because they view the "Trump saves the world" layer of the story as only the top layer, and if it has to be removed, so be it.
The layer under that. The layer about the Global Satanic Pedovore ring. That will always be true to these people. That's true even if the Trump stuff isn't. To know the truth about the world is to know Satan's forces have been winning for centuries or even longer.
That's always been the Illuminat/NWO story. That story really didn't sell well because it lacked a happy ended. Back before QAnon all anyone could do is get right with God and hope for the best, our goose was cooked.
In marketing there's two sides to making the sale. Part 1 is convincing people they have a problem and Part 2 is giving them the solution. Tell women they'll never get a man because they are hairy and smelly and then sell them razors and deodorant.
The New World Order only had "The Problem" so you had to be an edgelord who got off on suffering or hidden knowledge to want to be a part of it. QAnon gave us "The Problem" and "The Solution".
The reality is that there is no Problem. The world isn't run by a bunch of child trafficking monsters. Yes this world has all sorts of problems, but those problems are overt and obvious. You can go online and see the truth for yourself.
Unchecked corporate power, lack of economic mobility, corruption in government, racism, war, tyranny, and all sorts of other terrible things are all easy to see and understand. You don't have to scan 8Kun to learn all about this stuff.
QAnon is empowering, QAnon is exciting, QAnon is inspiring. I know all this. I've lived it. I've spent decades researching the JFK assassination. I could talk your ear off about Woody Harrelson's dad killing JFK. Badgeman, Babushka Lady, and so many other characters.
I was a 9/11 Truther. I watched "Loose Change" and I knew W blew up those towers, or at the very least turned a blind eye to the forthcoming attack. I know the smug joy that comes with knowing "The truth" and that everyone else is a big dumb dumb.
I could spend all day explaining to you the impossible nature of what QAnon says the world is and I know it wouldn't matter. Logic doesn't apply here, only emotions, only fulfillment.
I'm here to tell you that you'll never be fulfilled chasing this stuff. It's a never ending search with no payoff. You'll never "win" you'll never get resolution. It's a sucker's game. The people leading you down this path are doing so for your money or internet fame.
You can say I'm doing the same thing. I got a podcast. I got a Patreon, aren't I selling something? Of course I got an agenda, but my agenda would be for you to ignore me and all the rest of this and go on living your life.
I don't need you or want you to leave QAnon and become a follower of me. If you did then that's great but it's not the point. The point is that you're hurting yourself, and your family and friends by believing in this stuff and the hurt won't stop till you quit.
When Biden gets sworn in on Wednesday don't rush to find out how Praying Medic or Joe M are explaining it. Just give up. Just accept that they were lying about Trump, about Tom Hanks, about everything. Give up that nightmare world and move on with your life. Let go of your burden
Be like Shirley and take a long drink. Reflect on what's happening in the world, and move on with your life. You'll be better for it. I promise you.
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