On @Birmo's dodgy numbers. #strandedAussies repat flights usually carry 200 passengers. x20 over 'months' = 4000. Current caps are 4200/week. More window dressing from useless @ScottMorrisonMP gov #auspol /1
Plus @Birmo reckons 446k Australians returned since Mar 2020. ABS stats (Dec. not included but estimated 30k) indicates 200k total international arrivals of all nationalities since travel ban put in place Mar 31 2020. @LiberalAus baked numbers #auspol #strandedAussies
PRs will be among international arrivals. Arrivals of Oz citizens since travel ban put in place were around 110k (counting an estimated 15k in Dec.) @Birmo's numbers are bent. Helps explain how #auspol economy got so trashed
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