the gameplay reveal of Cyberpunk 2077 in 2018 was fake... cool!
This explains a lot, like why that section in the final game doesn’t have the tank of water you can put the guy’s head in as a stealth takedown.

So much missing from that section in the final game.
dear fucking god
so this gained some traction over night and some people have responded with “all games do this!!” or “it’s just concept!!”

Remember when Fallout 4 was revealed and it was just raw gameplay for like an hour? Plenty of games save gameplay until it’s ready.
It’s not excusable to make a nearly HOUR long demo for your game, show it at E3, and then hold it from the public for a few months while you “polish it”, and call it a “gameplay demo walkthrough” when it’s not even real.
You can’t expect me to be like “oh yes that’s ok!” when CDPR went so damn far out of their way to do this. They have consistently sold this game on lies, we have to hold them to the same standard as things like Watch Dogs 1.
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