voter guides and PACs and gobs of money from capitalists who steal labor value can get you far, but organizing, coalition-building, canvassing & activating people gets you farther. it’s slower work but it pays off over time
it is the opposite of a structural analysis when you think “we just need more money and voter mailers” because it forecloses on the possibility of activating the mass of people who aren’t professional activists. may our opposition always fall into that thinking. better for us
building coalitions solves thorny problems, informs good policy, and can beat big money. as long as the SF pro-growth coalition indulges & centers contributors who don’t give a crap about the least fortunate, we’ll always have the people to beat them if we do our jobs right
treating BIPOC community groups and homeless service providers and tenant organizers and organized labor etc as obstacles to be trampled... that’s what’s wrong with San Francisco, actually
remember when these people talk about “better voter guides” that they took millions from pro-McConnell billionaires and VCs and ran a thousand flyers demonizing the unhoused and trying to beat a simple transfer tax and a CEO tax and they got absolutely shellacked
growth isn’t bad, it can be very very good, but it should be driven by the people! and they just don’t get that. and doing this for 5-6 years now I will tell you in SF they are only getting more venal, more myopic, more self-centered, more wrong
the mod squad faked being tenant organizers in the middle of a pandemic and debt & eviction crisis for renters and expected it to land because everything’s just fine for them 🤷🏽‍♀️
remember: they don’t want to improve governance, they want government to either not exist or be completely bent to their will and no one else’s and that is it
what the “let’s abolish the progressive DA & the BoS” people want is not democracy. their “opposition” to conservative homevoters is hollow, b/c they don’t want to change the undemocratic power structure. they want to replace the homevoters w/ themselves & preserve the structure.
“do you want to be ruled by incumbent NIMBYs or do you want to be ruled by affluent incomers who both think they can own San Francisco’s politics as their god-given right?”

both of them think they know what’s best for you & everyone else. you are an obstacle to them. that’s it
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