My announcement that I was running with a mask got a LOT of comment (from all sides) earlier. It’s in response to changes in the state of the pandemic and the transmissibility of the virus. Worth unpacking 1/goodness knows
First I posted the photo after a couple of interviews this week in which mask use outside was discussed in the context of surging infections due to the variant B.1.1.7. Here's one
And then this with RTE where were talked about mask use in the context of the situation in the Republic of Ireland, where cases are surging. I commented that I run with a mask. Hence the tweet
Some asked “why are you doing this outside?” – I know where they’re coming from. Risk of transmission is MUCH lower outside. If all contacts were outside there probably would not *be* a pandemic. But it's also not nil
and remember this is also about solidarity. Seeing a person wearing a mask is a sign that they are looking out for you and not just themselves, because masks greatly reduce the risk of transmission
and there's this too. The law. I'm not altogether sure I agree with it as phrased. But I sure as hell have bigger fish to fry
BUT the context of this is the variants of the virus that are more transmissible. One is rampant in the UK, and growing in Ireland. THAT is the context for the discussion – what more can we do to stop a yet more infectious virus?
Nearly a year ago I pinned the tweet - Don't panic, do prepare. Still true. Rather than panicking or being fatalistic, this means we have to step up infection control. That includes masks outside. So I am stepping up. And showing that I am stepping up in the hope you will too
(Btw I don't *like* running wearing a mask. but it's far from impossible. You can also wear one on your chin and pull it up as you get close to other people esp when running in less crowded areas)
Masks are a small inconvenience in all but quite limited, specific situations. Being triggered by this seems… odd for people who would probably not like to view themselves as easily shaken. And would like masks in other contexts where they were more macho and transgressive
Don't know how to reach those folks. But won't stop trying.

PS those who want to know I was wearing a KF94 from Facefit, which people who know more about masks than I do recommend. There are *many* other options
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