We spent April paying public hospitals to exterminate mostly poor old black people by admitting worried-well to "rule out covid," warehousing them until they got it, then bullying them into execution by vent by telling them covid had an 80% CFR.

Makes sense they don't trust vax https://twitter.com/AlexCTaliadoros/status/1350236342182096905
Seriously, while we were all scared last spring tens of thousands of black and hispanic people on medicaid and medicare were funneled into public hospitals as PRESUMED covid patients and convinced to submit to the first wave treatment protocol which put everyone on a vent and
killed most of them. We accepted it because we were told covid was already a death sentence, so a slim chance of survival was an improvement. Now we know doctors were just looking at these people as walking disease vectors on borrowed time,
essentially electing to kill them for the greater good.

How do you expect people to react to the events of the last year?

This is all an open secret among the people who were targeted. Ask around Neptune Ave what happened last spring at Coney Island Hospital. People aren't dumb
full, and equalization happens automatically at the level of 911 dispatch. Why didn't Elmhurst divert? Because they needed the money, and they got a 20% bonus on a cost-plus contract for every public insurance covid patient they stuck on a vent.
Why the hell was the USNS Comfort sitting empty right there while this was going on? Because the public hospitals were warehousing black people- to death- for money. They didn't WANT to divert patients.
They were paid extra to handle people seen as dead men walking anyway, and a public danger to boot. The outcome of this "handling" was known ahead of time- they would die.

The word for this is extermination.
And the people involved knew this, even if it was somehow impossible to speak it at the time. As the fear that provided cover wears off people are going to begin reacting rationally to the knowledge our healthcare system was used for a small genocide last year.
I went back and watched the original nurse videos the dancing nurses were meant to displace. The out of state nurses doing tours in NYC blowing the whistle about what they saw.
Their stories line up- take a guess what percent of covid deaths walked in as worried-well at Elmhurst.
Half. Assume the vent-early protocol was a well meaning mistake- give real covid a 100% fatality rate until June. How many deaths does that leave as simple murder-for-hire?

Twelve thousand. Just in New York City.
They explain how it worked- all medical admits were held in mixed-status "covid rule-out" units until their test results came back. They did not use the rapid test. 5 days locked up in a mixed status ward.
Of course since this is stupid they'd get a second test to check for nosocomial transmission. Guess what they always almost came back positive. Huh.

Once you had it you got the talk. The vent talk.

How many people extubated alive? Nobody.
That NYT article dances around giving like 5 different death rates, but you'll notice the one they attribute to an interview with a doctor stands out.
The doctor says nobody gets off the vent alive. Which duh, a vent's liable to kill you under normal circumstances, let alone when you're using some insane protocol that involves cranking the pressure for vague reasons because "this disease is different."
This disease sure was different, it got a good 5 month head start as essentially a legal status applied to people marked for execution.
I want to be clear at this point, I know covid is actually a real disease that can actually kill you. But what's all this daylight between April's covid and October's covid? The difference is last spring the presence of the virus served as cover for medical executions.
And the way this made covid appear all the more terrifying in the statistics frightened us all enough to give the process the cover it needed. Imagine if they started shooting lepers in tank ditches. Then the lepers shot were reported as people "dying from leprosy."
It's an entire airtight alternative understanding of disease. There's no easy path to think your way out of it at the time, you just look back a year later and wonder "huh maybe we shouldn't have been shooting them."

For some of us this was an honest mistake.
We were only hearing things second hand and garbled. But a few people were in a position to get the full picture at the time. Some people knew the hospitals were HOARDING their covid admits like treasure.
Some people knew medicare was paying a bonus for every use of a treatment known to be near universally fatal. Somebody made a decision to grant legal immunity for iatrogenic deaths on patients with covid.
Somebody was in charge of the decision of whether to divert ambulances to the next hospital or not.
What did HHS, HEW do under Nixon? What was their job under Reagan?
Know what you're really looking at here?
Know what you're really looking at here?
By now, if you put together everything I've said in other threads, I've told a half truth. But I'm not being as brave as I'm giving myself credit for, and by omission I've asked you to believe something ridiculous. Are genocides just an autonomous byproduct of an unjust society?
I've essentially restated the "blundering into war crimes" myth. Genocides are done intentionally, for material reasons. Read those threads about a "thumb on the scale for the virus." I'm coming closer there than I did ITT. Was all this killing just a network of irresponsibility?
Or was it, precisely, a network of *responsibility*? It was clear enough what these policies added up to encourage. We can see some hand reaching down from above to make sure no hero gets in the way- every time a doctor began to figure out
what was happening, what the problem really was and how to fix it they got squashed like a bug. On the small scale, the bleeding hearts getting switched units at Elmhurst, and on the large scale, Wuhan replacing every single doctor with party cadre.
In between, the blackout on Gattinoni and Kyle-Sidell, Trump's psyop to make the idea of treatments other than murder sound like QAnon.

We know now, most of us, that the lockdowns weren't about the virus.
Even the assertion that they're somehow correlated with transmission is falling apart. It's a communist truism that they were really about finance capital gobbling up the world below them, starving us out. Was this all just a happy coincidence for them?
Of course not, that's not even a real thing. Plus, you wouldn't see the coordinated lying right from the beginning, there would have been a twilight of rationality before the slaughter began. This was intentional before the virus even left Wuhan (in the official timeline.)
So what am I really saying?
That Cuomo was an actor, selling a deliberate, planned genocide just to justify the lockdowns? That Wuhan, Milan, and New York City were snuff films staged to shock us into obedience while finance capital starved us out?
Yes. That's what I'm really saying. And I didn't put it all together myself. It took someone else to lay out the full picture for me. Now I'm hopefully fulfilling the obligation that gave me. I've passed the curse on to you.
By the way, in that video from late March he absolutely nails the total first wave deaths in NY state. There's no earthly way to predict the course of a disease that accurately a full season out. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-covid-19-hospitalizations-and-intubations-drop-new-lows
Especially given the R0 and CFR we'd calculated at the time were entirely wrong. No way unless 26k was more than disease projection.

It was a production target.

This will sound crazy to some of you. It always does.
Does that mean Cuomo called up his HHS sec and said "give me 26k dead bodies?" No. (Not necessarily anyway)

It means that, as we saw, once we had the bodies, that hand stopped coming down quite so hard.
You started seeing articles talking about the "mistaken" ventilator protocol
The way it happened was distributed. Deniable. And for that, the way it stopped was damn near invisible. The vent-early protocol was allowed to be criticized. Kyle-Sidell's youtube suspension was lifted. They revised the *concept* of the virus from Spring-covid to what it is now.
And all together, that put the brakes on the program. A word which I use advisedly.

All this happened as we closed in on Cuomo's eerily precise prediction. And then spring covid was over. Now we have covid as we know it today, basically an entirely different disease.
The difference was so stark we actually subconsciously changed its name, come to think of it. If you can think way way back to the before times we were calling it corona then.
Coronavirus was a death sentence. It could survive on hard surfaces for 72 hours, stay in the air for 9 hours, it dropped the citizens of Wuhan where they stood. Covid is bad, but nothing like Corona.

I don't think the renaming was intentional, because as I recall anyway
Covid-19 was always used in formal communication. But the difference from spring to summer was so incredibly stark I think we subconsciously used a new name.
Because on an instinctual level we all sensed the disease we were supposed to believe dug that mass grave on Hart Island was not really the same disease we have now. Corona mysteriously disappeared once its job was done, covid is just the reason we can never go back.
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