Many #Ward3 residents have written to me about an "alert" they received from @_DCHealth about the special vaccine registration opportunity would become available exclusively to those residents living within Wards 1, 4, 5, 7, and 8.

Here are my thoughts (lengthy thread):
The alert inadequately explained the rationale for this decision. It made the reasoning appear to be due solely because of the high number of appointments secured by Wards 3, 2, and 6.

But there is a deeper, more important justification.
#Ward3 has experienced 1,796 cases and lost 42 of our neighbors to this virus.

Contrast that to our neighbors in Wards 4 and 5 who have 5,477 and 5,046 cases, respectively.

Or Ward 8, who has experienced 4,629 cases, lost 162 residents, yet secured only *94* appointments.
When looking at the data and the population differences in terms of incidence/death rates, co-morbidity, & healthcare access, the disparate health effects of the pandemic become starkly clear.

Of the 6,756 vaccination appointments, #Ward3 residents secured 2,465 (about 40%).
Here is what I would like residents to consider:

Exposure threat, high risk factors, and equity should be taken into account in our vaccine distribution plan. But, because the news released today was not carefully explained/contextualized, it has angered and alarmed many people.
Many vulnerable seniors in my Ward are afraid that their zip code will dictate whether they are able to receive a vaccine or not.

To this point, it is unacceptable that the alert omitted that 1,400 additional appointments will be released on Monday to ALL senior residents.
What should be emphasized right now is the fact that the District receives new vaccine shipments every week. And as we receive new vaccines, so too will more appointments become available.

Eventually, everyone for whom it is medically safe to receive a vaccine, will get one.
*And our anxiety to get a vaccine right away should not cloud the pursuit of equitable vaccine distribution.*

This was very poorly presented and the initial notification to residents was unnecessarily confusing.
But now, knowing the situation, I believe that our residents will appreciate the reasoning for this opportunity for more vulnerable residents to have access to the vaccine.

Especially as it will help save lives. (end)
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