- did you at least expect or thought about exo having their x-versions? if yes, from when? if no, then here's a theory for you.

some of you might already getting hints up about exo having their alter ego personas when tempo was released.

this is because the members were seen in front of enormous cubes with anonymous people moving and reflecting their shadows. plus, the members except kyungsoo, glitched.
another hint is when lucky one was released.

exo was seen expressing impressive poker faces while being experimented and injected by this blue fluid. eventually, they were once again seen escaping, presenting us the familiar labyrinth they've been from overdose.
so here's another exo theory that makes sense.

exo seemed to start hinting us about their alter ego personas, firstly not from tempo nor from lucky one. it all seemed to start during overdose. if you're not convinced, think about how the music video flows at the beginning.
as you watch the video, sehun and tao were seen in front of the mirror that serves as a barrier, doing nothing but to look at themselves.

in tao's situation, as if he's ready to touch the barrier, he looked curious while reaching out his hand with the way how his eyes looked.
meanwhile in sehun's situation, you can literally see him standing and just reaching out his hand while looking at himself.

but when he seemed to do it, he was seen holding the side of his head afterwards, as if what he did triggered something.
another thing is how conceptualized the version of their photoshoots were, during overdose.

featuring sehun and luhan, you can see that there was a mirror used in the shoot, literally showing us how both of them are showing their reflections filtered with more color effects.
this is because they are telling us something, which bring us to the symbolization of their left eye.

remember, the left eye is the mirror image, symbolizing both evil and good. applying it to the members looking at themselves in the mirror, it's not just a simple reflection.
this is when suho and chen are next to enter, featuring and showing us here another version of their shoot during their overdose era.

half of their pictures were covered in black, and everyone knows that black is the color of darkness. the struggle between good and evil.
black also symbolizes mystery, which travels us back to where kyungsoo was seen opening the cube. there was sand inside, the same time anonymous hands were revealed as if it was a scene either from his memory or in the future.

this is because sand symbolizes time.
which explains when kyungsoo was startled because of what he saw, he puts away the cube, then the sand immediately fell over.

this is when lucky one era enters the scene where majority are guessing that those hands are from both xiumin and suho, but what if it's not them?
what if those hands are coming from those nurses who were with kyungsoo in the beginning? what if kyungsoo and the other members were struggling before and just seen emotionless afterwards when their dextrose had been injected?

did kyungsoo just saw the future through the cube?
the cube has been known as the key, a trap, and have something to do with the time. could it be that the cube forewarned kyungsoo about what will happen?

because kyungsoo seemed to know something. is this the reason why he seemed to initiate the escape while they're being held?
but the fact that even though they were eager to escape, the artificial nurse bots seemed to let them do it to the point it was fine for them to be destroyed and to be affected by the powers of exo.

because it was later revealed, they are being watched by another batch of bots.
this means that everything was planned beforehand. the first procedure is for them to be injected, the next thing to see is to analyze and observe their actions which explains that the escape is part of the experiment.

a part where they need to see exo in the act.
observe and analyze their actions in able to distinguish their strength and weakness. that's when the red force must have realize that exo has one strength that could be also their weakness in return.

and that's their powers.
due to what happened from lucky one, exo losing their powers made things worse. that's explains the following sequence of music videos, until power era comes into the scene where the two suns are imbrued by darkness.

meaning the eclipse- the source of their powers, can't happen.
this gave the red force an advantage to create an artificial robotic machine which is build accordingly just to use the powers against its true owners (exo), and left exo fight with blaster guns to take it back.

not until chen came up a way, and that is to "reflect" its attack.
chen must have realize it, if the blaster guns don't have any effect towards the robot, maybe reflecting its attack could be the way by the use of the same tool it was made.

the robot is made out of metal, what chen's holding is a piece of metal. this bring us back on the track.
the pictures from overdose emphasizing their reflection, the experiments from lucky one being watched, the robotic voice, transformation and glitches from tempo.

it's an execution of the plan to activate exo's red energy- their clones, or better yet, their x-versions.
they are telling us that exo is x-exo, which explains the conceptualized teaser images released when obsession era begins.

it showed us that there are two of them, one symbolizes light and the other symbolizes dark. with their power in the middle, it only means they are one.
this is because of the mirror, representing reflection of your twin, or in exo's case, a soul. in overdose images, they were not looking at themselves. unlike in obsession, you can now see them facing off which explains the message of the era.

"let the fight begin"
"the messy world and anomalies due to twisted orbits" also sents us a message that it was due to the absence of kyungsoo and xiumin's powers, plus lay's presence.

remember that the members can only purify the red force if the eclipse happen and if they are reunited as one again.
but since three of them are missing, it caused the remaining exo members to be literally taken over by their alter ego personas- to be taken over by their reflection made activatedly by the red force.

they were tricked believing it's just their clones. but no, it's themselves.
"And the names on the ground that are owned by no one."
"It’s me looking at myself in the mirror."

it's their reflection. exo and x-exo share the same blood and soul, and the only way to escape is to face off and defeat themselves with their own power.

or maybe even lose it.
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