Someone asked me to watch this disability film a white male wheelchair user and his partner made and in three minutes I've heard more ableism than in the entirety of any Hollywood movie I can recall.
Just because someone is disabled doesn't mean they understand have any grasp of ableism or why it exists let alone how to address it.
Stop thinking that using a wheelchair = political analysis.
"At least I still have my mind."

'Look at all the things I can do on my own and don't need help with - who cares if they reflect wealth privilege or if other disabled people do need help with them because it's just about me proving how I'm not-that-disabled I am.'
These are the type of people govt takes disability policy advice from and we will literally never get anywhere as long as they do.
I really really hate this shit.

Doesn't help that ableds eat it up.
My texts about this were far more profanity ridden.

FFS I am so over this shit. Yes, white male wheelchair users through injury and who have access to money and funding we get it, you are cool and not at all like "those" disabled people.

Can you shut tf up now please?
This is all about catering to and reassuring white male ego - don't worry you're still a dude, you didn't grow or attain any depth. No one is going to think you 'got soft' and started to care about others or became aware about oppression - don't worry. We know.
Disabled people forced into poverty, nursing homes, denied basic and essential rights to live - but oh boy let's watch how a group of white guys flies to Vegas to party and have all the equipment they need PLUS sports stuff PLUS PLUS PLUS.

I didn't know there was a big need in our society to reassure people that if you have all the money you need for your own home, transportation, leisure, travel, etc. and are white and male that disabled or not you're going to get to do fun shit.
You can drink sitting down.

You can fly on airplanes sitting down.

If you didn't know these things I have a film for you. Turn off the sound - was it even captioned? I don't think so. - and ignore everything they say.
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