Pastors- PLEASE stop allowing music from heretical sources into your church. I was vetting a church tonight to add to my list of recommended churches. Everything looked great. Statement of faith was phenomenal. Then I looked at their worship playlist... 1/
Bethel, Hillsong, Catholics, Pentatonix, and others.

When you use music by these people you are violating Scripture by yoking with and financially supporting heretics and unbelievers (Rom16:17-18, 2Jn9-11, 2Cor6:14ff, etc.). 2/
And they probably, as with this church, conflict with your own statement of faith, too. Because most of them are charismatic/continuationist, egalitarian, etc. 3/
This has to stop, and I won't be party to it. I decided tonight that no matter how great a church's doctrinal statement is, if they use music from heretical sources, they don't get a recommendation from me. I doubt that'll change anything, but at least I'm doing what I can. 4/end
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