Here's a quick and dirty analysis of the Cienfuegos text messages: not exactly a smoking gun, but not exactly exculpatory, like @ahope71 said. I believe there's more to the story which I hope we get. I get the feeling that no one is telling the truth.
Some strange things about the evidence: would the Defense Secretary communicate directly with drug traffickers in a criminal conspiracy with knowledge of signals intelligence and operational security? I wouldn't. If I had what he had to lose, I'd use cutouts and relays.
Unless I wasn't worried about the US, no fucking way would I use electronic communications. And meet with them in person? Waiting at the gas station? Lol, fuck no. Get an underling to take the risk. So is Cienfuegos just an idiot? I don't buy it.
Is it plausible he was involved in drug trafficking? Yes, of course. I would be surprised if he wasn't. That's what the military does. They aren't trying to stop drug trafficking, they're trying to regulate it and not just in Mexico but the whole supply chain.
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