I think they only let you on The Amazing Race if you prove you can't pronounce the name of any city outside of the United States
where is the n in "Sao Paulo" show me the fucking n
Also why can't anyone on this show read a map? Just don't get lost
"I don't know what language they speak here but it's all squiggly" -Amazing Race contestant on Arabic
Ooh, racist Asian accent when the clue says they have to go to Thailand, think I've hit Amazing Race Bingo
Hope they fired a producer and hired a different one after this season because I do not remember this show having such a high volume of homophobic jokes
The next season features a father and his gay daughter. He admits on television, while crying and sitting next to her, that he is disappointed in her for being gay. She went on the show with him anyway. America is bad now but 2006 America was worse.
"Do Muslims believe in Buddah" I hate this show why do I watch this show
a contestant is mad at a Vietnamese cab driver for not speaking English and says he is "done speaking with foreigners"
this contestant's girlfriend has never heard the word "mosque" and does not know what a mosque is
a contestant has asked airline customer service which country London is in
This same contestant has pronounced the capital of Finland as "Helinski"
Oh my god their clue just says fly to the capital city of the country where Chernobyl is, if someone goes to Moscow I am going to stab my eye with a fork
"where's Chernobyl?"
"I know it's where the atomic bomb went off"

if you could hear the noise I made
The contestants have figured out that they should not go to Moscow but they are pronouncing the place they're heading as "Keev" and I wish I was dead
One of the prizes is a shitty knockoff Blackberry, 2006 was hilarious
One contestant does not know the difference between a goat and a camel
A contestant just said "muy bien" to someone in Morocco
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