2nd kid was exposed to Covid on the 2nd day back of in-person learning and is now isolating.

It has only been 14 days since he finished his last isolation, from an exposure at daycare in the last week of in-person learning in December.

In a fun twist of fate, the date of his first exposure was also the last day of 3rd kid’s full 2 week isolation period.

3rd kid was also exposed at daycare. Twice - due to non-existent contact tracing and delayed testing results. His isolation started December 1.
Between Dec 1 and today, our household has had 4 weeks of isolation. 4 In 7 weeks.

For 2 kids under 8 years old.

In spaces where we have little choice but to send them.

We are extremely lucky to have remained healthy. And to be able to “work” from home.
But this is not sustainable. For tiny humans trying to manage this stress. For parents wracked with fear. For employees & educators trying to carry on and keep up the hard work. For human beings whose hearts are tired and weary.

And the school year isn’t even half over.

This pandemic is no where near over. And yet the thing that gets me the most is this: how are we - this province in particular - still so bad at managing this? Like, so bad!

Honestly, @jkenney I’ll forgive the travel if you give us the Contact tracing app.
Heck, I’d even go so far as to say that you can keep my Pension if it means there will be actual, actionable plans (that doesn’t just include more hand sanitizer) to keep schools safe. And daycare centres too. Please.

Because we are all tired. Of the virus; sure.

But mostly, we are tired of the near daily reminders that this govt does not care at all about any Albertans’ well-being or safety. And is, in so many instances, actively working against both. In spite of protest, science, logic or ethics.

So for the next 2 weeks, 2nd kid will remain in the basement, masked. He will tolerate online school. He will hopefully test -. 1st kid and I will still go in-person to our respective schools (w/ 600 and 1000 other students). 3rd will go to daycare with 15 other 4yo’s.
And while this isolation feels frustrating & unlucky, we will just have to hope that our luck doesn’t run out at some point and that we remain Covid-free. Because honestly, in the absence of actual leadership and reliable safety measures, luck is about all we’ve got.
Finally - to be very clear., We have been blessed with THE BEST teachers and child care providers this year. None of this is on them.

The falls entirely on @jkenney , the @UCPCaucus and @CMOH_Alberta .

So, support @SOSAlberta and FFS -
#FiretheUCP and #ResignKenney
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