From the inception of @MomsDemand, we made it our mission to take on the NRA. It started at our kitchen tables, where we unearthed proof of their radical agenda, misdeeds and dangerous messaging, and shared it with media, lawmakers and regulators.
For example, we exposed the illegality of Carry Guard, the NRA’s insurance product (also known as murder insurance) which launched in 2017. We recognized its illegality, and shared that with regulators, leading to the NRA being charged by the NY Department of financial services.
. @MomsDemand volunteers filed complaints with regulators in six states, forcing the insurer Chubb to end its affiliation with the product. It was the first regulatory scrutiny the NRA had ever faced, and it exposed their vulnerability.
We've waged campaigns against the NRA, and convinced corporations to cut ties with them. We asked Google, Amazon, Apple, and Roku to Stop Streaming NRATV. The station folded in 2019.
We established the  website, which became a key destination to keep track of the NRA’s misdeeds. It traces the growth of far-right extremism in America, from the fringes of the internet to the NRA and the Trump White House.
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