"Conversation is a form of thinking. A lot of times, it's the best form of thinking." - @AgnesCallard

Some thoughts on conversation
A particular person saying something can trigger a thought that you couldn't think even with years of introspection https://twitter.com/visakanv/status/1285867424605069312
2 people: you can be authentic but get drained/bored after a few hours

3 people: ideal for a good, long conversation

10 people: fun but lots of competition and one-upmanship
In a virtual call with 10+ people, there's even more competition. You have a few 30 second windows to speak and you've got to make it count https://twitter.com/HelloShreyas/status/1249343119222546437
Many conversations can seem interesting to active participants but boring to passive ones https://twitter.com/HelloShreyas/status/1121195905481359361
Hoppers are people who are having a conversation with you but always itching to move on to the next person https://twitter.com/HelloShreyas/status/1224112274266304512
Certain conversational environments make every participant a hopper. Networking events and large parties are good examples

These are high optionality environments - everyone has the option to move to another person so they feel compelled to (h/t @taimurabdaal, @AliAbdaal)
On the other hand, low optionality environments are great for conversation

You are stuck with few people for several hours so you're forced to engage meaningfully. E.g. car rides, vacations to another city, camping
Conversation gives your mind focus - you are attentive to the subject of the conversation

It helps you think quicker, more creatively, and solve a problem https://twitter.com/HelloShreyas/status/1256582960427536384
I like interview-style conversations where we monologue at each other

Though I like banter too. Like music, we have different conversational cadence for different moods and environments https://twitter.com/HelloShreyas/status/1343465903174819840
When you have a good rapport with someone, the conversation has rythm - similar to music and comedy https://twitter.com/HelloShreyas/status/1288967720059494410
Conversations help you see parts of yourself that you cannot discover alone https://twitter.com/HelloShreyas/status/1284214021219127297
The right setting makes a big difference to conversations

Dim lights & gentle background sound make people comfortable. Hard to be vulnerable when you feel there's too much attention on you (e.g. bright focused lighting) or too little (e.g. loud clubs) https://twitter.com/HelloShreyas/status/1272345964880289792?s=19
I'd love to read more on the taxonomy of conversations and how it shapes our thinking https://twitter.com/taimurabdaal/status/1135083089070252033
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