"Operation Warp Speed" being a completely lie and the numbers not adding up is par for the course. Just another reason the Trump administration was a complete failure.
I was listening to a podcast with a journalist who covered the White House under Obama and then Trump. And they made what I consider to be a false equivalency.

Basically saying they went "too easy" on Obama and that somehow lead to Trump.

And I refuse to give anyone that.
The Obama admin was transparent in a way Clinton and Bush weren't. And Trump is literally the opposite of transparent. And IMO they went light on Trump until he lost the election and tried to steal it. They wouldn't even call the man a liar for years.
And now I feel they're about to do what they did to Obama but to Biden. Where they raise the bar to a super human level and call that "fairness" after they've been sleeping on the job for 4 years.
I didn't find that they went "easy" on him as they entertained birtherism, scolded him for speaking honestly about the police and Trayvon, critiqued his brown suit, his wife's arms... went in on him about drones and deportation numbers we only know because he was transparent.
And immediately dropped that level of scrutiny the second Trump took office. Allow Trump to be downright nasty to them for access. While Obama had to oblige racist ass Fox News daily in the White House. The standards aren't even close to the same.
Trump's dishonesty has cost so many lives and people didn't find a backbone until they knew that him denying them access wouldn't be a threat any longer. That is cowardice.

It was harder to be "tough" on Obama because he was competent and thoughtful. That's the truth.
It was hard to be tough on Trump because he's a white man and the same media always gives the benefit of the doubt to whiteness. Period.
If Trump would've been held to the Obama standard he doesn't make it out of the primaries. Hell if he'd been held to same standard as HRC he doesn't even get a chance to run.
Like you really comparing a rapist, racist, conman to Obama and the big take away is "we were too nice to Obama and that's why we got Trump?"

Man fuck you.
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