The narrative around James Harden seems almost exclusively negative and that baffles me. I am totally in favor of everything he did, and Anthony Davis, and LeBron, and Captain Jack, and everyone else all the way back to Curt Flood. 1/
The owner of the Houston Rockets betrayed the franchise and Harden with it. Fertitta dismantled everything the team built for financial reasons, and Harden was absolutely correct in his judgement that he’d never win there. And completely within his rights to force a trade. /2
These players are also businessman with enormous contractual power - that they EARNED with their talent and sacrifice. Why should they be scorned for exercising their power when owners are celebrated for exercising theirs every day? /3
I also see these exercises of power as a useful corrective against the arrogance, incompetence and - yes - moral failures of certain owners like Fertitta and Dan Gilbert.

More power to them, I say. /4
I believe Harden when he says he didn’t mean to disrespect his teammates. He made his wishes known well before season. When the team refused to play ball he MADE them play ball.

I also believe this wasn’t a financial decision. He wants and deserves to play for championships. /5
As do a couple of Warriors players I can think of.
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