We spent many hours measuring and analyzing the streets of SoHo today and believe we are the first to uncover these rare remnants of a previous civilization. What shall we call them? 😂
Seriously, one of the more stimulating parts of our work is observing and measuring how space is used, as one could never be bored watching how people interact with each other and the public realm.
While SoHo currently has few official city benches, many of the buildings are very sittable and people make do.
Of course not everyone wants this to occur...
Away from the hustle of Broadway you’ll find many businesses are doing their part to soften the streets.
There aren’t a large amount of dining decks but those that exist bring a lot to the street, including La Mercerie, which may have one of best corner holding set ups at Howard and Mercer. High marks for Lure and NoMo Kitchen as well.
These new interim curb extensions from @NYC_DOT and @sohobroadway will increase safety and reduce pedestrian delay, especially where scaffolding or construction forces a temporary reduction of space for people walking.
One of the things we noticed on this blustery day is that many buildings along Broadway feature little alcoves where one can find refuge from the elements and the steady flow of humanity. They are perfect for a quick phone call, a bite to eat, text, or a brief conversation.
Finally, what makes SoHo, SoHo is not just the unique building types and their beautiful architecture, but also the imperfect human details added without a plan that create - layer after layer - a dynamic public realm.
Which begs the question...
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