8’ tall metal barricades going up on 18th Ave tonight just north of Constitution Hall to block pedestrian traffic. Worker tells me the exclusion area for the inauguration will be at least 1/3 larger than he’s seen for any other govt event, w/ 2 and 3 layers of fencing in parts
Along Constitution Avenue
Peeking between the bars in the steel fence
Otherwise, it looks like this
FBI looking for info near the scene of the crime. Pennsylvania Ave & 7th St
They’re looking for *a lot* of people
End of the line: Pennsylvania Ave & 3rd St. Can’t get any closer
Seeing lots of white tents like this all over. NG soldier said he can’t tell me what it’s being used for, but said it wasn’t for vehicle inspections This one at First St & D has a robust vehicle barrier protecting it from being rammed
Soldiers bullshittin’ and having some smokes in the rain — a time-honored tradition
One after another after another
FBI mobile setup on 4th & F St. Guy in SUV shined his spotlight on me when I took the pic
Farmers & Distillers & Trucks & Soldiers
That’s it for the night, folks. Heading home. Bottom line is that the physical security posture down near the Mall is no joke right now, and they’re only adding *more* barriers
Every intersection I saw walking along L St. had at least one N.Guard truck and armed soldiers. And there are plenty more Guard vehicles and soldiers posted elsewhere
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