An expert panel had released a set of guidelines for enhancing COVID testing. This thread is my "Hey Sask, we should do this" set of screenshots with context.
We need better testing communication. Both wait times to get tested and how long it takes for results. In SK we are undertesting and reducing testing barriers by informing the public could improve test rates.
We need to ramp up test capacity. Pull from these groups and retrain. Both sampling and processing can be ramped up this way.
Deploy rapid testing widely as a screening tool. Blanket a community. A less sensitive test done on 10x more people catches more cases. We need to be agile to beat this virus.
Deploy recurring rapid tests to these places as soon as possible. I've said it before, but it's negligent that we aren't doing regular screening at schools, prisons and LTCs.
We are failing the north. Their rates are through the roof. Overall test positivity of 20% will never allow case isolation to break chains of transmission.
Spend money to save money. The faster the pandemic ends, the better off we ALL are. The end is in sight so let's pick strategies that will get us across the finish line sooner.
Saskatchewan, do you know why I have given 50 covid interviews and tweet stats breakdowns? Because ours communications strategy is terrible. I fill some gaps, and I see so many healthcare workers, scientists, experts and trusted voices trying to do the same. We need education!

All these strategies listed will help us get better at this. Prevention of cases is cheaper & better than treatment of cases. We can't isolate the virus to break chains of transmission unless we TEST first. It's us vs the virus. Let's be smart about this!
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