What does the new Ontario “Eviction Ban” really mean?

Yesterday, the Ontario government issued a temporary mandate banning most eviction enforcement during the state of emergency.

#NoCovidEvictions #ontariolockdown #cdnpoli
READ: http://parkdaleorganize.ca/2021/01/14/what-does-the-new-ontario-eviction-ban-really-mean/
The new “eviction ban” is less effective than measures put in place from March to July of this year when #COVID19 case rates were around three hundred per day.

At that time, the government banned most evictions and shut down the Landlord Tenant Board for months.
While the emergency order is in place, in most cases, landlords cannot have a tenant removed from their home by the sheriff.

However, landlords can still issue eviction notices and file for hearings. The LTB will continue to hold online hearings and issue eviction orders.
The emergency order does little to protect tenants who fell behind on rent due to the pandemic.

We know that in most cases tenants facing eviction do not stay in their unit up to the point of the sheriff coming to remove them. #ontariolockdown #NoCovidEvictions
Tenants need rent forgiveness.

Eviction for unpaid rent during the pandemic must be taken off the table.

The eviction factory at the Landlord Tenant Board must be shut down.
Any solution to the mass eviction crisis will require working-class people in this city to strengthen the organizing we have been doing in our buildings and neighbourhoods.

#NoCovidEvictions #ontariolockdown #cdnpoli
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