Today, I was contacted by a member of the Lansing media regarding the possibility of another run for Governor. I responded that I hadn't ruled it out completely but my focus is upon addressing #2020ElectionFraud.
She went on to mention rumblings of a big rally this weekend in Lansing. I've spoken at many rallies in Lansing and know most of the typical organizers of conservative policy rallies personally. I know of no such rally this weekend.

Why did she bring up the rally, then?
In the wake of #Antifa #Falseflag op in DC on 1/6, media is pushing #FakeNews that our Pro-Trump, Pro-God, & Pro-Freedom rallies are a form of insurrection. They label us as domestic terrorists. Gov Whitmer has used this narrative to justify mobilizing the MI National Guard.
Do not feed fake media narrative. Only Antifa/BLM have been guilty of violence at the Capitol in Lansing. Windows destroyed at Capitol were destroyed by Antifa/BLM agitators. Yet media still attempts to paint law-abiding citizens as domestic terrorists? Sorry...2+2=4 not 5.
We reserve the right to our freedom of assembly, but on OUR terms not theirs.

Why go to Lansing anyway? The fact of the matter is that our legislature has been irrelevant ever since Governor Whitmer issued her first Executive Order on March 23, 2020.
They have yet to be an effective voice for our concerns regarding COVID, Election Fraud, and pretty much everything else in the policy arena.
My advice to any would be visitors to Capitol in Lansing is to demonstrate how truly ineffective our state elected officials have been by ignoring them much as their leadership has ignored us. Make them as inconsequential in our lives as they have demonstrated they truly are.
Instead of going to a Lansing rally this weekend, please support the very people Lansing officials have tried to wipe out with their unlawful & unscientific mandates. Visit your local restaurants.
If you are in the Calumet, MI area, I encourage you to visit Cafe Rosetta which remains open for indoor dining. The owner, Amy, picked herself up out of welfare & now has 30 employees. She refuses to be forced back into slavery to the state. 
In Northville area, visit George's Senate Coney Island. George fought back against the prohibitions against indoor dining by adding propane heaters to his outdoor dining area. Very toasty. George is a Greek immigrant who knows what is at stake. 
In 1946, Greece was in a civil war between pro-democracy & pro-communist forces. It was neighbor versus neighbor. Brother versus brother. He is passionate about ensuring that America does not go down the path of civil war that Greece went down.
The fundamental transformation of America crowd is continuing their coup. Those of us in the fundamental preservation of America crowd, need to remain focused upon all that is noble, true, excellent and praiseworthy. @michellemalkin @EpochTimes @gatewaypundit @news_ntd
You can follow @pjcolbeck.
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