/THREAD/ The Real Twitter Growth Guide: How To Get Retweeted By @Naval

Yesterday I was blindsided by an event with the statistical probability of being struck by lightning while riding a brand new unicorn.
A little bit of my back story first.

I am a regular guy who runs a tiny anon account in an internet backwater known as Money Twitter.

My middle name is nobody.

You will not find a more unassuming, average guy than me.
And yesterday, as I was going about my business, I was retweeted by everyone's favorite former venture capitalist turned Twitter sage: @Naval.

What followed was utter chaos.

The retweet from @Naval turned my notifications into a solar flare.
I went from sitting at my desk eating instant ramen to suddenly riding the coat-tails of a million follower account.

This one retweet probably did two months work for me.

What's my secret, you ask?
Luckily I've written this thread to ensure that you too can enjoy the boost of getting retweeted by your favorite account.

Warning: This will work on every single account - guaranteed or your money back.
STEP 1 is not to follow the large account that you're targeting.

In fact, forget about them entirely.

See when I was new, I joined in with all the other attention-hungry growth hounds.

I played the game as hard as I could. I even set notifications for some of these guys.
Especially Naval.

As soon as the bell rang, it was off to the races.

Quickly reading his tweet, I would hurry - not to digest the meaning or understand,

but to find a clever spin on it and regurgitate into his replies.
Day after day, week after week, I faithfully parasitized attention from Naval.

Like a lamprey happily swimming in the wake of a whale shark.

And it was good for a time.

I met some of Naval's fans, and I would see my colleagues from money twitter running the same scam.
Some were open about their intentions, and others truly worshipped at the feet of Sage Naval.

We'd even race each other. First to reply is the "winner".

But eventually I realized that perhaps my time could be better spent developing my own content.
I realized that my brand doesn't have all that much crossover with a sage venture capitalist, and I mostly forgot about my parasite games.

I haven't followed Naval for months, and it worked.
Step 2 is to tweet something pithy that at first brush sounds clever. https://twitter.com/GetPaidMore/status/1349639645189947393?s=20
Then you just wait. Because big accounts with a million followers are bound to notice you eventually, regardless of how anonymous you are.

I mean you might feel like you're tweeting into a chasm.

You might even feel like no one knows you're there.
But they know. @Naval knows. He has a million followers but out of everyone, he's kept his eye on you.

So just trust that the all-seeing eye of your favorite sage is on you.

No, you don't need to do anything or change anything.
You absolutely do not need to improve your writing ability or content. Perish the thought!

You just keep right on pounding out soundalike, anonymous, vague, and general life advice based around experiences you've never even had before.
It's sure to work out for you, just like it did for me.

And when it does, you can expect to gain a thousand followers overnight, just like I did.

Also, for the doubters out there - let's do some math.

I've been on Twitter for 8 months now.
It took me 8 months to be retweeted by @Naval.

Using statistical analysis, we can conclude that according to this study YOU can expect to be retweeted by @Naval once every 8 months.

It's just pure science and I don't care whether you agree with me or not.
You can follow @GetPaidMore.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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