A major silver lining of COVID-19 is that the risk to children is ~0. And the more we know, the more I’ve wondered if we owe it to our kids to reconsider the adult-level mitigation standards we’ve imposed on them in many settings (schools, playgrounds, etc.). 1/
To that end, the below thread is a compilation of research etc. on the topic. While not exhaustive, it's evidence it is well past time to balance any public health requirements -- including wearing of face coverings -- with children’s known risk, 2/
the impact on their ability to learn, psychological well being, & critical developmental needs & milestones, particularly because they lack the sovereignty to advocate for themselves. It is our duty as adults to not only protect the younger generation, but also 3/
to do as much as possible to ensure they thrive. We should also be careful to not accept something as the norm -- because kids are “compliant” or “resilient” -- wo widespread research on the actual need and potential consequences. Hoping for the best shouldn’t be enough. 4/

Facemask use in many preschools/schools ignore WHO guidance: “Children aged 5 & under should not be required to wear masks. This is based on safety/overall interest of the child/capacity to appropriately use a mask w min assistance.” 5/ https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-children-and-masks-related-to-covid-19
WHO says masks on age 6-11 should be based on a # of factors, including “Potential impact on learning & psychosocial dev, in consultation w teachers, parents/caregivers /or medical providers.” @SF_DPH / @gcolfax haven't consulted me. Any other SF parents consulted with? 6/
The WHO also recommends: “Children should not wear a mask when playing sports or doing physical activities, such as running, jumping or playing on the playground, so that it doesn’t compromise their breathing.” https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-children-and-masks-related-to-covid-19 7/
Revised Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines state masks can be "considered," but not necessarily "recommended," *if six-foot distancing is possible indoors*, balancing children's well-being with their relatively low likelihood of transmission. 8/ https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/cloth-face-cover.html
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