I am of the opinion that if you are a medical provider and tell a woman that her physical symptoms are all in her head that you should lose your license to practice.
In one day I saw women who had been told that their prolapse, pessary pain, incontinence, constipation, pain with sex, hypermobile joint pain, incisional nerve entrapment, and urinary pain and frequency from GSM were “not real” and were completely dismissed/told they were crazy
I have truly had enough of individuals who, rather than admit they don’t know something or ask for help, deflects their own discomfort and insecurity by gaslighting/abandoning the person with the problem. And this disproportionately happens to women
Just admit you don’t understand or know much about women and their vaginas (because they are actually very complex and take decades of school fo learn about and understand) rather than make a woman feel like she is the problem for having one
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