@jasminbhasin some warning signs of a controlling relationship:
1) he wants to be the centre of your world
2) Comes on strong, claiming, “I’ve never felt loved like this by anyone.”
3) Jealous: Excessively possessive; calls texts checks up on you constantly...
@jasminbhasin 4) Unrealistic expectations: Expects you to be the perfect mate and meet his or her every need.
5) Blames others for problems or mistakes: It’s always someone else’s fault if something goes wrong...
@jasminbhasin 6) Makes others responsible for his or her feelings: The abuser says, “You make me angry” instead of “I am angry,”7) Hypersensitivity: Is easily insulted, claiming hurt feelings when he or she is really mad. Rants about the things that are just a part of life...
@jasminbhasin 8)Rigid gender roles: Expects you to serve, obey. 9) Sudden mood swings 10) you constantly feel the need to apologize to him for even trivial things as you don't want him to be upset with you...
@jasminbhasin 11) Conditional love, he only "loves" you is happy if you behave or look a certain way for eg. That's a major sign that a controlling boyfriend might be at play here; you feel like you must please him all of the time and like if you don't, he won't love you...
@jasminbhasin 12)Your partner treats you less like an independent adult and more like a child. So he infantilizes you, tells you what to do, what to wear, who to see makes you feel like you don't know what you're doing or how to make your own choices, tries to organize your life.
@jasminbhasin 13)Signs of a controlling partner can be small at first. He may say he will miss you and wishes you didn’t have to leave 14) Controlling partners make you feel like you’re in debt to them all of the time, and they want to handle all of your decision-making abilities
@jasminbhasin The dominance of controlling people is toxic, and it is for their own gain. Be assured that controlling people don’t just “want what’s best for you,” no matter what they say. Controlling people want to feel a sense of power...
@jasminbhasin Controlling people might try to manipulate you into believing that they’re always right (with regard to their control)...
@jasminbhasin For example, if your partner is controlling, they might say that they’re only telling you to act, behave, or make a choice according to what they think because they, “know what’s best for you.” ...
@jasminbhasin Additionally, a controlling partner might make you feel like you owe them something or make you feel guilty in order to get what they want.
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