Albertans, have you wondered why the pandemic response dictated by @UCPcaucus @jkenney @shandro has been a failure mired in incompetence, maybe this is why: 1/7
#RESIGNKENNY #FiretheUCP #abpoli
Among leading industrialized nations, the most outstanding record in managing the COVID-19 pandemic belongs to Taiwan. A scant seven of its 24 million citizens have died from the effects of the coronavirus, a stupefyingly low mortality rate of 0.3 per million. 2/7
The official who oversees Taipei’s most immediate policy decisions, vice-president Chen Chien-jen, has a master’s degree in public health from his country’s most prestigious university and twin doctorates in human genetics and epidemiology from Johns Hopkins. 3/7
Among populous Western countries, Germany has the lowest COVID-19 death rate at 530 per million, a far cry from Taiwan’s astonishing numbers but well under half the European average. 4/7
Its leader since 2005, Chancellor Angela Merkel, is a physicist with a doctorate in quantum chemistry who spent most of her career as a research scientist in Berlin’s Academy of Sciences before entering politics in 1990. 5/7
The leadership of Chen and Merkel owes much to traditions that emphasize the vital importance of education and science. 6/7
The contrast with COVID-19 statistics in countries led by populist movements, which dismiss the significance of academic credentials and expertise in general, could not be more striking. 7/7
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