The "benefit" is and has always been to provide an easily understandable religious framework, primarily for women, and to ensure a beaten down, compliant, superstitiously terrified populace
The thread about The Cases Going Up from me and Samememe a few months ago that internet leftists pretended not to understand until some comedy acct or w/e did the same joke two months later was explaining how this works to you. You have to comply because of The Cases
Covid is not about The Cases it's about ensuring compliance during a monolithic consolidation of power like nothing in history but your well-meaning boomer aunt who watches the news thinks it's some good faith attempt to deal with a pandemic. This is how it works lol
There will not be a return to normal life. Dems will drift back to the supposed center and abandon the ludicrous narrative that 75 million Americans are domestic terrorists who must be punished, but there is not reason for a single person who pulls the levers to end this.
Your Democrats and IRLs who have somehow avoided recognizing what is happening the last ten years are probably well-meaning and probably believe in some sense of justice re: Covid as they did for all the other waves of propaganda. They will be disappointed to learn the truth.
This is why it is important to speak out in the moment when things matter rather than waiting in the wings, or worse, quietly doing the bidding of your institution-trained liberal gf for that crumb of pussy.
If you are myopically plugged into any form of news media rather than pulling out and recognizing the meaning of larger cultural/social movements and waves you are probably instilled with the notion that there is justice in the world. That's how they get you.
Following the day-to-day news cycle has the same result as a week spent watching a daytime soap--plotlines are abandoned without comment, you never receive satisfying resolution, you have been crassly manipulated--except news isn't art.
If you attempted to understand w/ facts and logic the events of the 10s on a case-by-case basis, taking them very seriously as though libs meant well instead of recognizing their motives as soon as free speech was virally stigmatized as "racist" around 2011, you have been a fool
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