If I get vaccinated:
1.- Can I stop wearing the mask?
- No
2.- Can they reopen restaurants etc and everyone work normally?
- No
3.- Will I be resistant to covid?
- Maybe, but we don't know exactly, it probably won't stop you getting it
Contd... please read on...
@WHO @pfizer
4.- At least I won't be contagious to others anymore?
- no you can still pass it on, possibly, nobody knows.
5.- If we vaccinate all children, will school resume normally?
- No
6.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?
- No
It doesn't end here
Please continue reading
7.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?
- No
8.- If I vaccinate myself and my grandfather, can we hug each other?
- No
9.- Will cinemas, theatres and stadiums be reopened thanks to vaccines?
- No

It gets even more ridiculous...
Please read on..
@WHO @pfizer
10.- What is the real benefit of vaccination?
- The virus won't kill you.
11.-Are you sure it won't kill me?
- No
12.-So if I get vaccinated, the others are 100% sure I'm not infecting them?
- No
So why are we being pushed 2 take a vaccine if
A) the shot does not give immunity or
Does not eliminate the virus.
Does not prevent death.
Does not guarantee you won’t get it.
Does not prevent you from getting it.
Does not stop you passing it on
Does not eliminate the need for travel bans.
Does not eliminate the need for business closures...

keep reading..
Does not eliminate the need for lockdown
Does not eliminate the need for masking...

All that pushing us to take the vaccine with zero guarantees, no responsibility for side effects, and no changes in what we are enduring...

Why then should we take the vaccine?
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