1) "One of the many super-spreaders of disinformation, Karl Lauterbach, SPD, is an enthusiastic lockdown supporter. He escalates his announcements on a daily basis. He is not alone in this." A translated thread of https://kenfm.de/lockdown-terror/
2) "The true pioneers of the Corona insanity sit in the Merkel central government. This abuses its power of command down to the state chancelleries and municipalities. But they are not alone, for the lockdown terror is coordinated transnationally."
3) " Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced lockdown measures for England effective January 5 - including school closures. He is also calling on all workers to work from home wherever possible. ( …https://express.deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/508603/England-Boris-Johnson-kuendigt- neuen-Lockdown-an) Scotland also joined the regulations."
4) "Furthermore, Austria extended the lockdown. ( https://www.epochtimes.de/politik/ausland/erstmal-vom-tisch-freitesten-antrag-liess- parlamentsserver-zusammenbrechen-a3416455.html) The media crowd as a transmission belt of the ongoing brainwashing of the public provides the mandatory hand and tension services."
5) "All together coordinate the total reconstruction of economy and society.
Anyone who has signed up to the roadmap of the World Economic Forum headed by the transhumanist Klaus Schwab must not be too careful about the truth."
6) "That it is not about Corona at all has long been clear to the intelligent, non-authoritarian part of the population. The droning propaganda drums of the "people's" health and the infection regime serve the world- reconstruction architects since March 2020 to distract..."
7) .."from their actual project.
The path is the goal!
By destroying small and medium-sized businesses with millions of jobs, the ‘polithasardeurs' want to wipe out all economic activities that stand in the way of the desired world digital regime."
8) .."In addition, the small-scale economy thrives on social contacts. The eradication of small and medium-sized businesses is the fundamental prerequisite for achieving the goals of the 4th Industrial Revolution. That is why the lockdowns must continue until these sectors of.."
9) .."the economy are completely destroyed. Leaving aside the media brainwashing industry, it is also no coincidence that the whippers of the lockdowns are almost all to be found in anti-constitutional cadres of federal and state governments, parties and official apparatuses."
10) "They have hijacked our state, transformed it into a Corona system of oppression, and are charging the trillion-dollar damage they have wrought to society as a whole: Robbery, plunder and income displacement on a historically unprecedented scale for the benefit of.."
11) .."the international financial system, which was on the verge of meltdown by the end of 2019.
As Deutsche Bank noted back on April 24, 2020, the Merkel clique has nearly doubled Germany's national debt due to the Corona regime. ( https://www.deutsche-bank.de/dam/deutschebank/de/shared/pdf/Corona-Krise__Staatsverschuldung_dürfte_rapide_ste.PDF): ..."
12) .."Organised damage makers operating for the benefit of the financial industry. Important to know: It took all German governments together 75 years to pay off the first 2 trillion euros of debt."
13) No justification for lockdowns
13) "The Merkel regime is well aware that there is no justification for lockdowns. The Covid-19 testing regime delivers false results on an assembly line and with ‘testeritis’ the case numbers automatically increase. The sole purpose of.."
14) .."the testing regime is to keep the public in infection fear constant stress mode and from thinking about the real causes of terror. Also, the arbitrary measures are intentional: bans on assemblies, demonstrations with strict restrictions at best, bans on.."
15) .."recreational activities, school and business closures, house arrests, curfews, contact bans, travel restrictions, bans on cultural events, mandatory masks, movement radii.
Jeffrey Tucker of the 'American Institute for Economic Research' already concluded.."
16) .."on July 31, 2020:
"Never in human history has anything like this been tried, at least not on this scale. So one might assume that there would be a causal relationship between lockdowns and the trajectory of the virus with absolute certainty. [...] It turns out that this.."
17) .."is not the case. It was pure speculation that the lockdowns would suppress this virus, and that speculation was based on the presumptuous assumption of the incredible power and intelligence of government managers. [...] For five months, governments around the world.."
19) "Soldiers as the perfect test group
What better population to study the effect of a lockdown on the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus than recruits to the U.S. Marines? On May 12, a total of 1,848 of 3,143 new recruits agreed to participate in such a study under extreme.."
20) .."quarantine. These 1,848 underwent the so-called CHARMA study from May 12 to July 15, 2020, which included "weekly PCR tests and blood tests to determine IgG antibodies" (immunoglobulin G). The other soldiers served as a control group. Since U.S. Marine training is among.."
21) .."the toughest in the U.S. armed forces,it is reasonable to assume that the soldiers complied with the measures nearly 100 percent of the time.
The study results were published in the prestigious News English Journal of Medicine on Nov. 11, 2020. ( https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2029717).."
22) "The authors summarise the findings as follows:
"Our study showed that in a group of predominantly young male military recruits circa 2 percent were positive for SARS-CoV-2 determined by PCR assay during a 2-week strictly enforced quarantine.”
Out of 3,143 recruits,.."
23) .."the researchers tested 77 positive for SARS-CoV-2. More than two- thirds of the cases occurred in the closely monitored group. With one exception, none of those who tested positive showed symptoms. In contrast, the virus spread less in the control group without strict.."
24) .."quarantine measures. Contrary to expectations, the enforcement of extreme measures such as a mobile phone ban, two-layer fabric masks, disinfection measures and more frequent testing and isolation had increased the level of infection."
25) "Again for the record: The lockdowns are not designed to mitigate the incidence of infection - simply because they are not a suitable means to do so, and governments know this - the aim of the lockdowns is to terrorise people and to clear out the small- and medium-scale.."
26) .."economy because it is the central obstacle to getting the 4th Industrial Revolution off the ground. And most importantly, the political ruling cliques that have been terrorising our country with the Corona act since March 2020 have ridden the country so deep into.."
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