Re-listening to Intro:Persona, Interlude:Shadow and Outro:Ego, something really struck me. We all talked about how Persona is connected to Skool Luv Affair, Shadow is connected to O, RUL8,2? and Ego to 2 Cool 4 Skool. But, to me, it goes beyond that. More personal.
Persona also seems to be tied to RM's mixtape. In Awakening Namjoon talks about not knowing how to define himself. "Every night, I fight with myself inside me... Whether idol or artist, it was never really important
The way you guys saw me, that was just me". +
Shadow goes hand-in-hand with AGUST D. In The Last Yoongi talks about how fame brought with it more struggles and the mental toll it took on him "That time I, that time I Thought success would compensate for everything But you know what, +
but you know what It feels like I’m becoming a monster as time goes by..."

JHope's Ego embraces the essence of Hope World, making peace with all different sides of you, finding yourself and enjoying what comes. From Daydream" My character's like half and half. Who knows?... +
For once I want a different picture in my life That I want to draw, a canvas dream".
From Airplane "The nerves I felt before our first Japan trip I still think of them That was what launched my dream That was what made 'now'
Everywhere Now I'm an issue man, when the flash +
goes off I put my blessing on a safe arrival".

It's so interesting how all of these thoughts have been a part of their DNA for so long. Any one who doubts @BTS_twt are organic, introspective artists is an id*ot.
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