Information from Michael Flynn's 302 is still being withheld by the government ciitng ongoing law enforcement investigation
To be clear about the records the government just turned over here: our lawyers requested the government reprocess the 302s in light of Flynn's pardon and unredact details that could now be disclosed.
The definition of "classic Trump", according to Michael Flynn

#MuellerMemos #FOIA
Trump asked Flynn, "did you lie to Pence?"

Flynn said, "No, I just didn't remember the full conversation."
In 2017, Michael Flynn was being told about the "deep state" by neocon Michael Ledeen
Flynn asked about an "altered" FBI 302s by his contacts such as Barbara Ledeen and, possibly, Sara Carter
Turns out all those newspapers that Trump said are "failing"? He read many of them.
Michael Flynn told FBI he has a strong but unfounded belief that WikiLeaks would release Hillary Clinton's "missing" emails

Also Michael Cohen expressing interest to another person in working for the Trump administration, in the White House
Sean Hannity
Michael Flynn was asked by Mueller's team to recount a conversation he heard on the Trump campaign's plane about a $10 million campaign contribution
"Other than Ivanka Trump, Trump trusted Kushner the most ... When Ivanka came around Trump lit up."
Erik Prince
Giuliani, Wikileaks and Clinton
More on that $10 million campaign contribution that Flynn was asked about by Mueller's team
Michael Flynn does not recall receiving a Ukrainian peace plan from Michael Cohen nor does he recall meeting with him at the White House
Flynn got a package from Egypt when he was still working at the White House. He told the FBI he didn't remember what was in it and, apparently, "he did not review the contents of the package."

Passages of the FBI intv summary that follow are redacted due to ongoing investigation
Erik Prince may have helped Steve Bannon prepare executive orders for the Trump administration?
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