15 LIFE LESSONS for My Kids

My kids are little. I hope to be around a long time but, just in case, I set up an email address for each of them when they were born.

I send them advice, memories & dumb jokes.

This week I sent them 15 life lessons I wish someone had told me. 👇
1. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Successful people reach their goals by doing the important things even when they don’t “feel like it”.

There’s no growth in your comfort zone and no comfort in your growth zone.
2. Allow yourself the uncomfortable reward of changing your mind

It’s more important to understand than simply hold an opinion to be on the right side of your chosen tribe.
3. Stop worrying about stuff you can’t control.

If you can control it, do something about it.

If you can’t, don’t waste your time on it.
4. The cavalry isn't coming to save you.

The good news - you can build your own.

Choose those friends wisely.

When you find good ones, be authentic & generous.
5. You are NOT your thoughts.

Read that again.

You are NOT your thoughts.
6. Be Physically Fit

Being lean and healthy has never ending benefits for your mind & body.

Learn how your body works.

Learn to cook from scratch.

If you don’t see this as a priority, that’s a vote for weakness, fragility & illness.
7. Learn how to handle money.

Money won’t buy you happiness but not having it will ensure stress and anxiety.

Master the skills of earning, spending, saving and investing.
8. Build moments of stillness into your life.

It can be meditation, a walk, a silent car ride to work.

We spend our lives lamenting the past or worrying about the future.

The present moment is the only place where u can act.

You quite literally “only have moments to live”.
9. Be diligent about getting good sleep.

It’s more important than you think.

Functioning on 4-5 hours every night isn’t a sign of a hero.

It’s a sign of a failure to respect your health and the potential to the world that you’re limiting.
10. Anything worthwhile will take time.

Overnight successes get all the attention because they’re rare.

More often than not, they're an overnight success, 20 years in the making.

Flowers take time to blossom, that’s where the real growth happens.
11. Learn to tolerate discomfort.

If you've spent half your life trying to achieve a fairly simple lifestyle goal, this is most likely the missing piece.
12. Learn how to evaluate data and make sound decisions.

The world is full of people completely unaware of the layers of cognitive biases affecting their beliefs.

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.” (Feynman)
13. Instant gratification won’t build a legacy.

Learning to delay short-term pleasure for long-term reward is the mother of all productivity skills.

Look up the Marshmallow Test, what’s your marshmallow?
14. Resist the natural urge to fear failure. It’s the only way you’ll get anywhere worthwhile.

Realize that failure can be a jailer or a liberator.

You hold the key.
15. When you have kids of your own, you don’t need to be the hero dad, just keep 2 rules in your mind:

âś… SHOW UP (consistency)
âś… BE THERE (being present when you show up)

That’s 90% of good parenting.
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